Dream On

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I slowly open my eyes to see darkness. Did I die again?

I quickly sit up and pain immediately flows through my body. I feel someone put their hand on mine and I pull away. "Its Ace" he says as he slowly places his hand on mine. I see the lights flicker on and Ace sits beside me.

Ace immediately places a kiss on my lips. I quickly pull away and back up from him.

I couldn't feel it. Why couldnt I feel it?

I look around the hospital room and it quickly becomes the room where Ace's dad beat me up. I quickly run to the door and open it. I run through it and find myself in my room. How did I get here?

I walk over to Ace's room and find him lying on the floor. His body was pale and a pill bottle layed next to him. I quickly run up to him and grab him. I hold him in my arms. I feel nothing. I don't feel his body on me and I don't feel any emotion.

This has to be a dream. I slowly lay Ace's lifeless body on the floor and run to the kitchen.

"It's the only way" I say as I quickly grab a hold of a knife. I slowly bring it up to my throat. "Its the only way." I repeat as I slit my throat.

As I bleed out on the floor I feel nothing. It doesn't hurt. Everything goes black again and coldness takes over my body.

"It's the only way" I mumble.

I feel a pair of warm familiar hands wrap around my arm. "Ace" I say as I open my eyes. My eyes fall on his tear stained face.

"Is this another dream?" I ask.

I see his head cock up and his eyes widen. "God I missed you" he says as he smashes his lips onto mine.

This time I could feel him. As he goes to pull away I quickly raise my hand and place it on the back of his head. I ignore the pain and push him down to me again.

I'm back.

I let go of his head and he pulls away from me.

I quickly sit up and groan from the pain.

"How long was I out for?" I ask as I rub the back of my head. I look over to him and he seems hesitant. "Two months," he whispers. I laugh ignoring the pain still. "Ya right" I say.

I see a tear roll down his cheek as he quickly turns away.

Shit, he's telling the truth.

I quickly stop laughing and look at myself. I feel a knot form in my stomach. "I guess you can call me lazy then" I say trying to make a joke out of it.

He quickly turns around and gives me a serious look. "I'm back though" I say as I give him a smile.

I see him nod. "Ace, it's ok to let people see you cry." I say as I give his arm a little tug. "It means I'm weak so why would I show that to people," he says angrily. "It doesn't mean you're weak" I pause and reach my hand out to his face. "It means you care." I say as I pull his face towards me. "It's ok to care." I say.

I see him open his mouth but nothing comes out. "Can I go home?" I ask. "Not yet" he says. "I'm going to use the restroom." I say as I stand up.

My legs shake as I walk and I collapse to the floor. My vision gets foggy as Ace wraps his hands around my waist and helps me stand.

I let out a sniffle as I pull his body into mine. I take in his intoxicating scent as he picks me up and brings me to the bathroom. I grab onto the handle bar next to the toilet for support and shoo Ace out.

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