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*Malia's POV*

A nervous feeling takes over my body as we walk down a long hallway towards a crowd of people Ace needs to talk to. Looking at them from a distance makes me worried a little more. Their muscles showing through there suit as guns hang off the sides of their pants visible to everyone.

"Congrats" One of the men says once we get close to them holding out his hand for Ace to shake. I hold in a laugh when Ace doesnt shake his hand. Both me and Ace knew that guy was lying straight to him. Where do his loyalties lie?

I feel a hand rest on my shoulder. I quickly turn around and am greeted by Diego. I smile as I pull him into a hug. "Hello little sis" he says while pulling away. I laugh at his joke and look over at Ace. He nods and I head away from them with Diego by my side.

"Who are those people?" I ask as I give him a curious look. "No one important, they might look intimidating but can't punch for shit" he says while letting a chuckle slip.

"Drink" I ask as we head towards the bar. He smiles with an obvious look on his face saying yes. "I'll try not to kill your next child" he says jokingly. "R.I.P Timmy" he says once we enter the room.

I hold in my laugh as we walk by the multiple people watching my every move. Observing what I do and how I do it.

"Shot of whiskey" I say as I take a seat on an empty bar stool. Diego plants himself in the chair next to me. "Beer" he says. The waiter in front of us, busy doing someone else's order nods.

A few minutes later the same waiter brings us both our drinks. I instantly grab the shot glass. I raise it to my lips and within seconds the glass is empty.

"More?" the waiter questions. I shake my head. "That's all" I say.

Hours pass by quickly. Me and Diego talk, not being able to stop. We rambled for a good while about life and things not caring if people are eavesdropping.

Taking a sip of my water my attention quickly falls to the two men who quickly run into the room.

"Everyone out. Go outside" they say in a panicked tone.

*Ace's POV*

"Sir there's been a bomb reported in the building, we need to evacuate." One of my guards says out of breath as they run up to me. My heart suddenly aches and panic takes over. Where's Malia?

I nod to him. "Make sure everyone is out of this building" I say as I start to walk off, hiding the panic inside me. Once I see that no one is watching me I instantly run. I run not knowing where to search.

Passing multiple rooms with the doors locked, I keep my guard up. Searching for her, any sign that she is safe.

"Ace" I hear a voice travel through the long halls echoing. Turning around slowly my eyes meet Malia's. Her face is red and she's gesturing to me to follow her.

I quickly run to her, "We have to go" she says while grabbing my hand. We quickly walk to the entrance of the building and exit it. Looking over at Malia, the panic in me disappears as I realize she's safe.

"Sir over here" one of my guards say pointing to a car a good walk away. I squeeze Malia's hand tightly as we start to walk away from the building. Multiple people leaving before the place blows.

As both me and Malia walk I notice her attention falling onto someone. Faint screams fill the air.

I look over to where Malia's looking and see a woman being held back by a man I don't know the name of. "My boy" she screams as she struggles to get out of the man's grip. I see Diego run up to the side of me while watching the little show.

"He's in there. My baby, he's in there." The woman screams louder as tears stream down her cheeks.

I see a sudden motion from Malia and my eyes trail down to her. She stares at me, a sorrowful look taking over her face. I look at her confused.

Without time to process her movement, her hand quickly slips out of my hand. Looking at her for a split second I see in her mouth the words "I'm sorry."

She takes off in a swift movement slipping past some guards and running back towards the building. I take a step ready to run after her and yell at how selfish she is being but before I can I feel a pair of firm arms grab ahold of both my arms.

"Let me go" I bark as I try to get out of the person's grip. Turning around while tears dwell in my eyes I see Diego. He looks at the ground holding me back as best he can. Struggling to get out of his grip one of my arms finally breaks loose only to be caught by another person.

Looking over I see one of my guards. Both him and Diego are holding me back as I try to follow Malia.

"Let me go" I yell, letting my anger get the best of me. How could she be so selfish, and how can both of them hold me back knowing that my wife is in that building.

Struggling more to break free from both their grip I quickly turn my head towards the woman. Seeing a smile as tears still stream down her eyes I look at the entrance seeing a boy that looks to be around six.

A knot forms in my stomach and my heart pumps painfully as I see both of them reunite. Happy tears are coming from them while I wait for the little boy's hero, my wife, to come out of that building.

Hearing gasps then a loud boom I feel my heart stop. I freeze staring at the now demolished building. A sob suddenly erupts out of me and my vision quickly gets blurry. My knees give out underneath me as I stare at the ruins, hoping that maybe deep down Malia would come running up to me laughing.

But as I wait there, on my knees I hear no laughs, no sign of Malia, and no sign of her presence. Everything is just... quiet.

I slowly look around me, seeing some people staring at the ruins while some stare at me.

Seeing people look at me my mind instantly floods back to the hospital. "Ace, it's ok to let people see you cry" she said.

I feel a hand get placed on my shoulder. I quickly smack it off, if it's not Malia's touch I don't want it. I don't want anyone, just her.

Clearing the tears from my eyes I look at the demolished building again.

If I would have held onto her hand a little tighter she would still be here, alive. "It's my fault" I whisper under my breath. More tears threaten to slip down my cheek but I try my best to hold them back.

Letting out a laugh with no humor in it as a tear rolls down my cheek I slowly get up. "It's my fault" I repeat letting the words sink in. "It's always my fault isn't it" I say a little louder while walking towards the wrecked building.

"Sir, it's too dangerous," someone says but I ignore them. Like I give a fuck. After all it is my fault she's gone so why would I care.

I had killed her, I killed the love of my life.


Sooooo.... Do y'all wanna talk about it?

I don't have much to say but WAIT!

*Not Edited*

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