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He dragged me into a room I've never seen. Once we got in he closed the door and threw me to the ground.

I try and get up but his foot quickly kicks me back to the floor again.

"Why are you doing this." I ask as tears stream down my face.

"Discipline" he responds back. "Also I'm bored and the noise of people being hurt is like music to my ears."

He quickly grabs me by my throat and chucks me against the concrete wall. He then pinned me to the ground and threw punches at my face. He then grabbed me by my hair and slammed my head against the floor a couple times.

I could feel the blood drip down my face. He got off me and took a quick breather. I used this time to my advantage and got up as quickly as my body would allow me and bolt to the door. I open the door and run out of the room. The sound of footsteps got louder as they walked closer to me.

He quickly catches up to me and pushes me to the floor. "Tell anyone about this and your dead he says as he walks away." I try and get up but my body is too weak. I stay there for a while until a little energy is gained back into me. I then slowly get up and walk to my room.

I got to my room and headed strait the the bathroom. I turned on the shower and took all my clothes off. I then hopped in hissing at the slight burning sensation that took place on my face as the water hit it.

After a while I get out of the shower. I look a couple drawers and soon find a First Aid Kit. I grab the necessary equipment. I get a big piece of gauze and wipe my face with it. I then grab some hydrogen peroxide and poor it on the spots where the blood is coming from. That slows down most of the bleeding and all that's left is to put Band-Aids on the wounds.

I put them on then go to grab the remote to the tv that was still on the floor next to the door. I grab it and turn on the tv. I rewind back a few episodes of were I last remember and then hop in my bed. I put some decent clothes on and then hopped into bed.

I pull the covers over me so that their basically suffocating me and watch the show. I look to my side were Dash would normally lay but he's not there. He's probably with Ace. I try and sleep but cant.

After a while I walk down to the kitchen and help myself to a cup of coffee. Halfway into making it I hear footsteps and dash rub up beside me. I quickly start running to my room. I'm dyeing my way, and on my list of ways to die is definitely not being killed by someone else other then me.

I burst into my room and quickly close the door and lock it slamming it an Dashes face. I then jump into my bed and un pause the show like nothing happened. A while later I hear the door knob rattle. I ignore it and continue watching my show.

A moment later I hear the door click and then the door bursts open. I quickly bury myself in the covers so the only part on my body that was hanging out was my hair.

I feel a hand on the blanket and I quickly punch it through the covers. "What the hell" I Ace say in his hot morning voice. I'm naked I blurt quickly tiring to come up with an excuse of why I'm under the covers.

I feel Dash jump up on the bed as he starts to dig at the blanket I'm under. "I hear Ace place something on my nightstand then I hear him walk out closing the door behind him.

Thank god I thought to my self as I pulled the covers down so only my face was popping out.

After watching another episode of Teen Wolf I turn the TV off and go into the bathroom. I pull out a bag of makeup that I found last night as I was looking for the First Aid Kit.

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