Beatrice And Sharol

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Read the last part of the author's note please it's important.

I wake up from the sun shining into my room. I groan as I get up and make my way to the bathroom. I quickly take a shower and get ready for the day. This whole week has been boring and I need some entertainment in my life.

I see Ace isn't in my bed so I travel over to his room.

I slowly open his door to see him sitting at his desk filling in paperwork.

I walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder.

"What?" He says in an annoyed tone.

"Can I go out today?" I ask him. I see him tense up. "For what?" He asks as he drops his pen and turns his head to me. "I just want to hang out with my friend," I reply honestly.

He stares at me for a good minute or two before grabbing his phone. "Be back by 10." He says in a stern tone. I nod and bolt out of his room.

I quickly grab a small bag. I stuff a big water bottle in it and my phone. I'm planning on surprising Kia.

I grin evilly as I make my way down to the front door and grab a pair of the one of many car keys that dangled below Ace's key holding thing.

I make my way to his garage as I press the unlock button rapidly. I wonder which keys this car goes to?

As I make my way through his garage I approach the car that is making the clicking noises.

My mouth drops as I stare at a stingray grey chevrolet corvette in front of me. It's beautiful.

I quickly hop in and start it. As I near the gate I see one of the guards stare at me and the car for a few seconds before giving a signal to open the gate. A sigh of relief comes out of me as I make my way out of the gates.

I slowly and carefully make my way to Kia's house. If I even scratch this car the tiniest bit I bet I'm dead.

I drive the car in silence for a few minutes before turning on the radio and blasting the music. I sing my heart out to all the songs that I know as I inch my way closer to Kia's house.

I finally pull into her driveway after a good 20 minutes of driving.

I hop out and grab my bag. I walk up to her front door and knock. "Who is it?" I hear her muffled voice say. "Beatrice" I say trying my hardest not to laugh. "I've never heard of a Beatrice" I hear her say. "I'm here about your car's extended warranty" I say. I hear her scoff as she opens the door. "Omg Malia" she says as she pulls me into her house.

"Hopefully you don't mind." I say as I walk over to the kitchen to place my bag down.

"Why would I mind!? I missed us." she says as she walks over to her fridge. "Also I need you to eat these. I know you love them." She says as she pulls out three cucumbers. "You hate them, why would you have some in your house?" I ask.

"You're never going to believe this." She starts. She rambled for a good thirty minutes. "Now to the point" she says giggling. "I made a new friend. Worst idea by the way. Anyway, long story short she gave me these as a gift." she says looking down at the cucumbers in disgust.

I roll my eyes as I grab one of the cucumbers and get up.

I walk over to one of the drawers and pull out a peeler. I peel the whole thing then start to devour it.

"Ughhh" I hear Kia say as she watches me take bites of the cucumber.

"Since we have nothing to do, we wanna go check out the new grocery store?" she asks. "Sure" I say as I shove the rest of the cucumber into my mouth. "Get it, I guess." She giggles as she grabs her car keys. We can take the car I drove here" I say with a smirk. I see her raise an eyebrow. She quickly goes to one of the windows and peeks out of it. I see her mouth drop. "Hell yes" she says as she races out of the front door.

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