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Dolcezza, guardami. Guardami! (Sweety, look at me. Look at me!)

Non posso. Devo fare questo. devo ucciderti. Se non lo faccio mi uccideranno mamma, e francamente mi piacerebbe vivere. (I can't. I have to do this. I have to kill you. If I don't they'll kill me mom, and quite frankly I would like to live.)

Lo so! Lo so. Ricorda solo che ti amo. (I know! I know. Just remember I love you.)

Ti voglio bene alla mamma. (I love you to mom.)


I jolt up from my dream. Tears ran down my face as I sit in the bed and hear Ace groan. He pulls me back down and holds me close to his body. I stuff my face in the crook of his neck trying to find more comfort.

"ACE!" A voice says bursting into my room. I squirm out of Ace's grip and stuff myself under the covers.

"What the hell is going on in here" the voice says as the blankets get ripped off me.

"Another one of your sluts I see." the voice said with a hint of annoyance.

"Fiance," He said. I look up at Ace. His eyes in awe as I blush at his words.

"When the fuck did this happen." the voice says.

I look over to see who's talking.

A pretty girl with blonde hair and hazel eyes sits on the bed as she looks at Ace waiting for an answer.

"A while ago" He says as he turns his gaze from me and onto the girl.

She looks at me and puts her hand out "Fera" she says with a smile. Her smile was very similar to Aces.

I smile back at her as I clear my throat. "Malia" I say placing my hand is hers as I shake it.

"Pretty name" she says looking at Ace.

"Sic et respicere ad eam, suus 'pura caritate. Video non parum etiam quod spectat ad vos. Sic non est similis tui pulmentum pulmentum haec omnia est." Fera says

"Tace" Ace says as a smile forms on his face as he looks over at me.

God I can't make out the words and it fucking bugs me. What are they saying? The only languages I know are English and Italian.

I grab the covers and throw them back on me.

Fera giggles. Was she one of his friends?

Ace has no friends though only enemies. God was it one of his sluts. I hope not. For all I know is that she can be stroking his dick right now. I poke my head out of the blankets to see Fera getting up "bye love birds" she yells as she leaves the room.

"Who was she?" I ask.

"My sister," he responds.

Relief fills my body and I relax a bit.

"Who did you think she was?" He says as he raises an eyebrow.

"No one" I say as I get up. I grab a sports bra and my outfit of choice. I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me, locking it.

I start to take off my shirt when the door rattles. "Stop it you perv." I say as I giggle. I slip on my sports bra and my clothes. I open the door and walk into the room.

Ace was standing beside the bathroom door.

"Ima take a piss" he said as he walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him.

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