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We hold each other close as she rambles. I couldn't ask for anything more because everything I want is right here in my arms. Now if someone would have asked me what I wanted most in this world a couple weeks ago I would say power. It would come out of me without hesitation, but ever since I've gotten to know the girl in my arms a lot more than I used to I couldn't ask for anything else, because if i'm being honest. This is the best it could get. She's mine, only mine, and I'm going to keep it that way.

After we get out of the shower we both get dressed and hop in the car to go get... ice cream.

"What are you going to get?" She asks excitedly. "Vanilla" I say as I make a left turn. "Vanilla" she says bursting out laughing. "Yes, is that a problem?" I ask, looking at her. "Vanilla is basic." She starts off. "And you Mr. Vinceair are no basic person." she says, looking me up and down. "You look more like a cookie dough ice cream person." she says looking at me as my face is focused on the road.

"And why is that?" I'm genuinely curious. "Because you're like the cookie dough, you're tough on the outside but on the inside of your toughness you're soft" she says as a smile turns up on her face.

"Well you clearly haven't seen the real me then" I say as I roll my eyes.

It is true. She's only seen two sides of me. The way I am right now and when I'm not that angry but still angry. "There are many sides to the man that sits next to you." I say as I look at her with serious writing all over my face.

"Well then hopefully I'll see only the good sides of you" she says turning her head towards the window.

I know myself too well and know that sooner or later she'll see parts of me that she never wants to see. And when that day comes im going to be fucking terrified.

Anyone that's seen the different sides of me have either ended up dead, seriously injured, or they left without a trace of them at least signalling their presents ever existed.

After we're done eating ice cream we head back to the house.

*Malia's POV:*

As I enter the house the smug smile I had on my face instantly disappears when I see my dad standing a couple feet from the door talking to both M. and Mrs Vinceair.

"Malia" he shouts, holding his arms open and hugging me like we're some happy little family. "What are you doing here?" I whisper in his ear. "To see my daughter" He says, pulling away from me with a smug smile on his face.

"Me and your dad are throwing the annual party and we expect both." Ace's dad pauses as he looks at both of us. "You guys to be there." He says while looking back at my dad.

"It's in a week" they both say as they leave the room.

I look over to see Ace's mom smiling happily. "I've got the perfect dress for you." She says as she walks away pulling me along with her.

I look back and see Ace's presence no longer where it was.

He's seemed bothered by something ever sense the car ride. I'll ask him about it later.

"Wait right here" she says, letting go of me and going into a closet.

"I've noticed that you like dark colored stuff so hopefully you don't mind wearing this. It's not exactly dark." I hear her muffled voice say.

I see her pop her head out of the room she entered. "You ready," She said as a big smile was placed on her face. I nod.

She pulls out a red dress with spaghetti straps along with a slit down the leg and on top of them were a nice pair of black detailed heels.

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I stare at the dress and heels that she has in her hands

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I stare at the dress and heels that she has in her hands. "They're beautiful" I say with a smile. "I wore this the first time I ever went to one of these. Of course I've grown out of them but they should fit you" She says as she hands them to me.

"Ok I'll be off now" She says as she walks away. "Thank you" I say. "Your welcome" She says while pulling me in for a hug.

I walk back to my room and hang up the dress and place the shoes beside them. I go sit on my bed and watch a movie. I'm not allowed to watch Teen Wolf by myself or else Ace will get mad at me. I learned that the hard way.

Halfway through the movie I hear my door creak open. "Tesoro" I hear a voice come from the door. "What?" I say as my attention goes to him.

"My god" I gasp. "What happened?" I ask running up to him and pulling him into my room. "Nothing but a poorly planned mission my dad sent me on" He huffed. I look at his topless self. He was bruised everywhere and had cuts on his face.

I sit him on my bed. "Stay here" I say as I go into the bathroom and grab a First-Aid-Kit. I take out what I need from it and clean him up.

"Need anything else?" I ask. "You" he said as he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into him. He lays down so he's on the bottom and I'm on the top.

"You comfy?" Ace asks "yep" I say as I snuggle into him. "Good night" Ace says.

"Ace," I ask. "Goodnight tesoro" He huffs. "Goodnight" I say as I close my eyes and fall asleep.

"What the hell." I hear a man say.

I peek my eyes open and lift my head a little bit over Ace's shoulder and see his dad staring at us. I slam my head down on the bed and get as close as I can to Ace.

"Malia" he whispers as he brings his head down to my ear. "Your dad," I say as quietly as possible. I feel his body tense up and he immediately gets up.

Both men start arguing over what happened last night as I lay there and watch the show.

"Then why are you sleeping with her?" I hear his dad say which caught my attention.

"Because she's my fiance." Ace yells back at him

Thanks so much for the 100 reads!!! I love all of y'all. 🥰

Tbh I never really thought I would have made it this far

Anyway what do you guys think of my book so far? I'm curious.

I don't have much to say but good night.

*Not Edited*

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