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Pulling up to my old driveway, bad memories start to cloud my memories. Most of them consist of my dad. But then there are also the sad ones with Dash.

I park the car and hop out. Looking to my right near the porch I see Dashes hole he loved to dig at.

Pausing for a moment I take in the feeling I had once felt in this home, comfort. But now it was just loneliness. Walking up the steps I open the front door. I can tell no one has been here in a while by the creak of the door and when I enter the house all I see is dust.

Making my way towards the kitchen to place my small bag down my eyes fall on the two crusty old men sitting at my dining table. Both doing nothing but staring at me. Their eyes are bloodshot red most likely from the alcohol they have been consuming.

Not wanting to speak first I walk over to the island and place my little bag down.

"Malia," I hear one of the men say. Turning around I see it was my dad speaking.

"Let's make this quick, I don't have a lot of time." I say as I walk over and pull out a chair. Sitting in it I see both the men look at eachother.

I know this is a bad idea but maybe just maybe they want forgiveness, most likely not though.

I see Ace's dad reach down and pull up a computer. Opening it and typing in the password he rotates it so the screen is facing me.

Ace and some of his men are on the screen, talking about something I can't quite make out.

I look over at them once I'm done scanning the screen unamused. I see my dad smirk and my eyes quickly shoot back to the camera as I see movement come from it. Seeing the barrel of a sniper appear I feel my heart start to beat fast.

I knew this wasn't a good idea. I should have told him about this or begged him to stay home for the day. But I did nothing, instead I sit in this chair being useless.

"Are you going to stay away from my son?" I hear Ace's dad question. "No" I say confidently. But as I say those words I see the sniper move and one of Ace's men fall to the floor.

"Think over that question again," his dad says.

I don't respond. I just stare as the men scurry around the room flipping desks over and hiding, all while drawing their guns out and aiming it out the window.

"Now again" his dad says proceeding with his question. "Are you going to stay away from my son?" he repeats. "No" I say once again. I see one of the mens fun fall to the floor and a now pale hand lays on the floor peaking out from beside a desk.

"Next one is going in his head" he says clearly gesturing that the him was his son.

Looking at him surprised, I quickly look back at the screen. I see Ace's now crazy hair peek out from the side of one of the desks. If the bullet got through the other guy's desk I have no doubt that it will get through Ace's too.

I stay silent as I take in the moment.

For the first time in a while I'm stuck, left vulnerable with an obvious choice.

Keep the love of my life alive or say no once again and get him killed.

I look back up and focus on my father, he knows what I'm going to say, I think everyone does.

And with one last breath I shut the laptop closed.

"How" I ask, hearing my voice crack a bit.

I see a smirk appear on both of them.

"Die" they say, acting like it's not that big of a deal. "If you don't he will hunt you down, trust me I know my son better than you think." his dad adds while taking the laptop back.

Staying away from him yes, dying no. I hate to admit it but I know Ace's dad is right. If I tell Ace I'm leaving or pack up my stuff and go I know he will track me down.

"I'm not going to die, not over this" I say while staring at my hands.

Silence fills the room but soon ends by the whispers both the men were sharing.

"Then fake it" my dad says. "Leave and never come back, don't give any hints that you're alive, just disappear" my dad adds while getting up.

"It better be soon," Ace's dad chimes in. "If not, we won't hesitate to kill him," he says.

And with those final words he gets up and the both of them leave, leaving me to sit still and just think.


Walking back into Ace's house I hear heavy footsteps quickly go down the stairs. Looking over I see Ace. He walks down the stairs shirtless. A couple bruises show but what gets my attention is the look on his face. He looks pissed.

He didn't find out did he?

"Where the hell have you been?" he says angrily as he stops in front of me, his chest rising and falling at a fast rate.

"I was at Kia's" I answered immediately while giving him a smile. I feel a knot form in my stomach.

May the long list of lies begin.

"Tell me next time I was fucking worried" Ace says as he quickly wraps his arms around me, I could tell he missed me.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him into a passionate kiss"

Ace, please forgive me.

Sorry to say but this is the end.

(of this book!!!)

I want to give a big thanks to all of yall for being so nice.

I never thought my book would get over 100k reads let alone 10k if I'm being honest.

Sence I love you all so much will leave this decision for you guys.

Comment on which on you want.

Finish it chapter by chapter and post every chapter once I finish it?

Finish the whole book of vol 2 then publish it?

Thanks again I want to thank you all so much and hope you enjoyed this book.

(If you didn't get the hint all ready there will be another book that follows this story. It will be shorter then this.)

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