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*Malia's POV*

"What?" I question, feeling his gaze on me.

"Nothing" He responds back.

After I'm done removing all the glass shards from his hand I let his hand go. He pulls his hand back to him.

As I get up I'm quickly pulled back down by Ace's hand.

"What the hell." I say as I get up only to be pulled back down by Ace.

"Why are you-" I start before quickly being cut off by his lips smashing onto mine.

I tried to pull away but his hands grabbed my waist and pulled me into him leaving no room in between us. I give in and kiss him back.

Our kiss was filled with only desire. We pulled away catching our breath.

Ace looks at me with his big beautiful blue eyes that twinkle. God it should be a sin to make someone look this perfect.

I smashed my lips onto his breaking the awkward scene that seemed like a staring contest.

His tongue caressed my bottom lip asking for him to enter. I give it to him. Our tongues traveled in each other's mouths. I feel Ace's hand slowly make it to the bottom of my shirt. He lifts it up and throws it to the side revealing my black sports bra.

Ace brings his lips to my neck and starts to travel while he grazes his lips on my neck. I feel my underwear get soaked and I quickly squeeze my legs together to cause some friction. Ace looks up at me then down at my legs.

He put both his hands on my legs and spread them apart.

He pushed me down on the bed and quickly got on top of me. He slipped his fingers down my shorts and tugged at the waistline.

"Lift yourself up a little, would you princess." I do as he says and he quickly takes off my shorts taking my underwear with them.

I let out a gasp as he brings his hand down to where my tan line from my bathing suit ends.

He quickly takes his hand off and lays it on the bed. He bends down so his face is right in front of my neck. He lays his lips on my neck and starts to kiss it. I let out soft moans as his lips travel around my neck then to my stomach ending right above my aching pussy.

He lifts his face up. He lays his hand on my pussy while his thumb rubbed my clit. Moans spew out of me. I quickly place my hand over my mouth to help contain my moans. Ace's hand grips mine and removes it from my mouth.

"Don't be shy" He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

What am I doing? I bolt up and push him off me. I jump up and get off the bed.

"What's the matter darling?" He asked.

"I cant" I say as I throw on my clothes and leave his room.

I hear footsteps behind me and I feel him grab onto my hand.

"Get off me" I yell as I break out of his grip. I look back at him, his eyes were full of hurt and anger.

God out of everyone why me? Why was I the person that was able to hurt the one and only Ace Vinceair. I turn around and run to my room.

"Fuck, why me" I jump on my bed and fall asleep next to Dash.

I wake up in the morning to the sound of arguing.

I walk out of my room and see Ace arguing with someone. I walk up to both of the bickering men.

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