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*Short Chapter*

"Ace, we're doing knife throwing, wanna join?" Someone says as they burst into my room. What is it with these Mafia people? "Learn to knock please" I say as I open my eyes and sit up. I hear Ace grunt as he reaches out to me. Not today. I quickly dodge his hand. "Get the fuck out" Ace barks at the person. I see the guy roll his eyes and leave.

"You do know he rolled his eyes at you." I say as I chuckle.

I see his eyes quickly open. "What did he look like?" He says as he gets up. "Brown hair, brown eyes, has a unibrow, and his teeth looked yellow from here." I say. "Fucking Terry." He says as he storms out of the room.

Fuck. I quickly jump up and chase after him. I follow him down the stairs and into their living room where the knife throwing is. I see Ace make his way to the guy that bursted into my room a couple minutes ago and knock him to the ground.

"Did you roll your fucking eyes at me." He says as he throws a right hook at the guy's face.

God, he embarrase's me. "Alright Ace come on" I say as I walk up to him. "Ya, go follow your little slut." The guy says. I let out a little giggle as I grab one of the knives that were lying on the coffee table. "You might want to re adjust your words." I say as I lean down to his leg. "Why should I when everything I said was true baby girl." he says.

"Ace" I say as I notice he's about to punch the guy again. "Let me handle this" I say with a smirk as I stab the knife into his leg. He screams like a little kid  as he tries to kick me away. "What am I again?" I ask him. I hear him take a deep breath. "His slut" he says. I giggle as I twist the knife making it more painful for him. "Can you repeat that?" I ask as I pull the knife out of his leg. I look up at Ace as he looks at me in awe.

They guy doesn't respond he just lays there not moving a mussel. I stand up as Ace throws another punch at him. "She's my fiance" he says as he gets up and pulls me into him. "You might want to get that looked at." I say as I point down to his wound.

I place the knife back down on the coffee table. "Remind me not to mess with her" I hear a muffled voice say from the small crowd that surrounded me, Ace, and the guy. I smirk at the comment. Alright I'll be upstairs I tell Ace as I walk into the kitchen and quickly grab a coke.

I slowly make my way up the stairs and into my room.

That felt good.

I open my coke and take a sip. "That was fucking hot." I hear Ace's voice say from behind. "I know" I say as I place the can on my nightstand and hop on my bed. "I think it's time for me to get another dog." I say as I look over at him.

"You sure" he says as he looks over at my nightstand.

I look over at Dashes box and nod. "I think it's time." I say as I look back over at him.

I see him nod as he walks over and sits beside me.

"H- How did he die?" I stutter. I see him look at me. His eyes begin to water as he looks down at his feet. "Someone poisoned him." he whispers. I nod and lean against him.

I get up and walk over to my nightstand. I let the tears roll down my cheeks as I bring my index and middle finger up to my lips and plant a kiss on them. I slowly lower them and gently press them against Dashes box.

I walk back over to Ace and sit on his lap. "I think it will help me" I say as I lean my head against his shoulder. "Ok" he says as he pulls my head off his shoulder and pecks my forehead.

"I'll be free in two days" he says as he lays down on the bed pulling me down with him. "Thanks" I say as I close my eyes, taking in the moment. "I have to leave next week for another mission." he whispers in my ear. I groan as I roll off him.

"Can I come?" I ask. "No" he snaps back. "It's too dangerous," he adds. "It can't be that dangerous." I say as I roll my eyes. I hear him scoff as he rolls over on his side so he's looking at me. "Trust me. You wouldn't last a day" he says. "That sounds like a challenge" I say as I smirk. "You're not coming, you're going to have to watch over the dog" he says sternly as he grabs the remote and turns on Teen Wolf.

"I missed this the most," he says as he leans against the headboard. "Haha, so funny." I say as I throw a pillow at him and slam my body onto the bed. "I hate you" I say as I grab the covers and pull them over me.

"You do know it's not good to go to bed angry." I hear him say. I ignore his comment and slowly drift off to sleep.

Sorry this is a short chapter I was caught up in the new season of OBX. 😅 What do you guys think of it? I personally love it. Also who's your favorite character?

I promise the next chapter will be longer. 🤞🏼 Y'all have my word.

Hope you have a Goodnight/Good Morning

*Not Edited*

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