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I look around his dark decorated room. Hopefully he doesn't mind if I snoop.

I stumble over to his desk and sit in his chair. I look at the papers that lay on it. "Work" I say as I pat them. I open the drawer to see nothing. I'm guessing he doesn't have a lot of stuff. I close his draw and walk over to his wardrobe. I peek in it and spot something I thought he would have thrown away.

The teddy bear. I giggle and pick it up. "Let's look around his room together" I say as I place a kiss on his sewn on smile.

As I look around his room I notice he barely has anything. Jeez, his life must be boring. When he gets back we're going shopping. I plant myself on his bed and set the teddy bear down. "That's perfect." I say as I scan around the room one last time. As I'm halfway done scanning the room my eyes fall on a small remote that lays on his night stand.

It looks too small to be part of the tv. I scoot over to his nightstand and grab it. I trace my finger over two small buttons. I wonder what this one does. I press down on the button that reads on but nothing turns on. I press it again but nothing happens. Oh well.

I place the small remote back on his night stand and stand up. I take one last sniff of his scent before I walk to his door and exit his room.

As I walk into my room I see Kia and Diego full on making out.

"Ewwww'' I say as I cover my eyes. "How is it ewwww you've done it plenty of times in school." I hear Kia scold. "Well" I start but can't think of anything to say. "Exactly," she says. I move my hands down and open my eyes. "If you guys are going to do something, take it out of my room." I say as I point to the door.

"Would you mind if I" Kia says as she motions her head to Diego. I look at both of them. Their eyes are full of lust and when have I ever been a cock block? Never. "Ok just be out of here by 12." I say as I go up and hug her. "Goodbye" I say as I pull away. "Come on, we'll hang out soon. It's not like this is the last time we're hanging out." she says as she pats my head.

"I'm not a dog" I say as I throw a pillow at her head. I look over at Diego and give him a glare. "And you, treat her with respect." I say as I point to Kia. "I promise" he says as he holds her hand and walk out together.

I jump on my bed and press the play button for the tv. "Oh, and one last thing. Use protection." I yell so they can hear me.

I hear there muffled laughs as I go under my blankets and stare at the tv.

My gosh it's boring. I've been watching The Vampire Diaries for a while but I've just zoned out of it. I need Teen Wolf.

Hopefully Ace doesn't mind.

I grab the remote and turn Teen Wolf on.


It's been a boring week. Ace has been gone for eight days. Eight fucking days hes left me with no one. No one to talk to, no one to laugh with, no one to make fun of, no one. This is the loneliest I've felt in a while.

I've gotten through a season and a half of Teen Wolf already and if he gets mad at me he can go suck his dick.

I snap out of my thinking when I hear a knock on the door. As much as I want it to be Ace I know it isn't because he would have just barged in.

"You can come in," I say as I sit up on my bed. I see Ace's mom open the door. "Hi Mrs. Vinceair" I say with a smile. "Please call me Cloudia" she says as she makes her way to me.

"Is everything ok?" I ask as she sits down on my bed. "Ace is coming home today," she says. She looks worried. Why would she be worried about that news? Shouldn't she be happy? "Why do you look worried?" I say as I place my hand on hers for comfort. "He's not usually himself when he comes back from his missions." She pauses and takes a breath. "So promise me if he hurts you, you tell me." She says looking up at me in a stern tone.

"I promise" I say as I take my hand off hers and give her a reassuring smile.

"I'll be off now" she says as she gets up. "Have a good day Cloudia." I say. I get up from my bed and head over to the bathroom. I have horrible morning breath. I brush my teeth and throw on some comfy clothes. I'm too lazy today to brush my hair so I just put it up in a messy bun.

I plop myself on my bed again and look over at Dash's box. God I need a dog again.

I grab the remote and turn on a movie with Adam Sandler in it. I need a good laugh.

As the movies almost about to end I hear the front door slam and muffled yells echo through the whole house.

I swear if this is another party like the last time I'm going to flip.

I quickly jump when the door flies open and crashes into the wall. "What the hell." I say as I stare at a very angry Ace. "God I missed you" he says as walks over to me and crashes his lips onto mine. "I missed you too." I mumble into the kiss.

I try to pull away but he quickly puts his hand on the back of my head making it hard to pull away.

"Ok I think you're good now." I mumble. "Mmmm I love you" he says as he pulls away and practically falls onto my bed. "I especially missed this," he says. Is he trying to be a tease. I roll my eyes and place my feet on his back.

I don't know what his mom was talking about. Right now he looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly.

"I'm not a foot rest" He groans. "Suck it up." I say as I rewind the movie to where I left off.

"What are you watching?'' he says as he turns his head to the tv. "Grownups" I respond as I take my feet off his back and place them under the covers.

"You wanna" he says as he moves his eyebrows up and down. I let out a giggle. "No" I say as I change my tone to sound serious. I hear him scoff as he crawls his way up to me. "You sure" he says as he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his body.

I feel my but hit his already hard member. "Im sure" I say as I try and escape his grasp.

"I want to snuggle" He says in a baby voice. His baby voice is fucking attractive.

I fucking love you. He says as he takes a big whiff of my clothes. "I love you." I respond as I relax into his embrace.

I don't got a lot to say only that I thank you for reading my book and I'm fucking exhausted.

Goodnight/good morning


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