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"Go" Ace whispers again but this time he takes my hand and places the gun in it.

I feel someone grab my hair and yank it pulling me to the floor. My head slams onto the floor as the man hops on top of me. The man grabs the gun from my hand and throws it to the side.

He pulls out a needle and injects the liquid in it into me.

"Have fun with that little she devil." He says as he stands up and leaves.

*Aces POV*

I see him inject something into her. I try with all my might to get up and rip him off her but my body is too weak.

Where the hell are my guards?

I see the man get up and leave.

All three of us lie on the floor not moving a muscle.

I hear people run into the room.

I see my mom run over and kneel down by my side as tears streamed down her face. I see the medic run over then everything went black.

"No, you did this" I hear someone yell. I quickly open my eyes and scan the room.

My eyes stop on Malia who was in the corner of one of the walls balled up.

"You did this," She yelled.

I start to sit up. Pain flooded my body but I push it to the side of problems to deal with later and walk over to Malia. I lay my hand on her shoulder and she quickly looks up and looks at me like I'm a ghost.

"You're supposed to be dead. I killed you. I fucking killed you. You shouldn't be here. You..." she pauses to take a breath from her rambling. " You're supposed to be dead.

Feer laced her eyes and I looked at her in confusion.

She jumps up and shouts at the top of her lungs "Augustus let me out, let me, I, I can't do this, it's all too much." She slams a table to the ground.

The doctors burst through the door and immediately run towards her. They grab handcuffs and attach one of them to her arm and another to a metal bar.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask, waiting for an answer.

"We haven't found out exactly what it is but what we do know is that it is some type of drug." I nod and they leave the room.


"I killed you" tears were now pouring out of her like a waterfall.

I look at her in shock as I try to sink the words into my head.

Why, though?

"Mom!" she yells.

I walk to the hospital bed and fall asleep.

I wake up and look at the digital clock next to me. The time read 2:56 am. I look over at Malia. Her eyes were wide open as she looked into space.

I'm guessing she's back to normal.

I get up and walk over to her. I sit down leaving only a couple inches in between us. I turn to look at her to find she's already looking at me. Her face showed no emotion. The way she looked was like she was a cold hearted murderer that would kill me right now.

She turns her head and goes back to staring into space. My eyes stay on her as I watched the person in front of me that I thought I knew acting completely different.

I scoot closer to her until both our shoulders are touching.

She comes out of her gaze and she scoots away from me.

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