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I wake up to Ace's door being knocked on.

"Ace, it's for you." I say as I rub my eyes. "What" Ace asks. "Sir, your dad needs you." the person outside the door says.

I hear Ace grunt as he slowly gets up and throws some clothes on. "I'll be back in a while." He says as he kisses my temple. I hum in response.

I hear his door open then close. Guess it's time for me to get up too.

I slowly walk around his room searching for my clothes. Once I have all them I throw them on and walk out of his room.

Still on high alert for any fictional killers I slowly make my way out of the house and travel to the car I took yesterday. Once I get to the car I pop open the trunk and grab out the nerf gun car and monkey. Time to set this bad boy up.

I walk back into my room and lock the door behind me as I close it. "Alright let's build you" I say as I feel a smirk appear on my face.

An hour and fifty three minutes. Almost two fucking hours I've spent building this thing and they expect a kid to do this. Bullshit.

Now let's try this thing out.

I put the batteries into the remote and turn it on. I move the little car around. Looks like it works fine. Now that that's out of the way let try the gun.

I eagerly grab the small nerf bullets that came along with it and slip them into the gun. Alright let's get this show on the road. I shoot the gun one time for a test run. Works well and looks good.

I smile as I set up the car perfectly so it's aiming at the door. Ace is definitely going to have a little surprise when he walks through that door. I quickly grab the remote to the tv and turn on Teen Wolf. I turn the volume loud so he will hopefully hear it and burst through my door.

Two episodes. Nothing.

Five episodes. Still nothing. How long does this thing take?

I shift around the bed finding a new comfort position. "Fuck" I say as I hear a clash. I move my way to the side of the bed and see the remote that goes to the car laying on the floor.

I groan as I reach down and grab it. "Stay" I say as I place it next to me.

I'm halfway through the seventh episode when I hear the door burst open. Crap.

I quickly grab the remote and press the fire button. "Fuck" I hear Ace say. I turn my head in his direction to see both of his hands covering his cock. I can't help but burst out laughing. "You think this is funny?" Ace says gritting his teeth. I nod. I hear his footsteps start walking towards me then a loud thud.

I open my eyes as tears leaked out of them due to me laughing so damn hard. I see Ace laying on the floor as multiple cuss words came from him. "Ace I'm going to die" I say as I fall to the floor trying to gasp for air. I haven't laughed this lard in a while and let me tell you it feels great.

I take deep breaths as I try to control my laughter. "Are you ok?" I say as I crawl my way over to him. He doesn't respond. "Oh come on, this is funny." I say. He quickly cocks his head to me. "You find this funny" he asks. I nod.

"So me being hit in the dick is funny to you." I nod as I wipe the tears away that start to fall out of my eyes again. I see him quickly raise his hand and grip onto my right boob hard. "Owww" I say as I quickly swat his hand away. "You're right, this is funny." He says as he stares at me.

I quickly grab the remote to the car and drive it towards him. Pointing it at his face I quickly press the button that launches the bullets. I see the bullet hit his head then bounce somewhere.

I see Ace quickly get up and grab me by the throat roughly. "Ace you're hurting me" I say faintly as I claw at his hands. Memories pop up in my head. I remember being in this exact same situation and remembering Ace liked it.

"Ace" I say as I kick him in the stomach. His grip on me loosens and I break free. I quickly gasp for air. "Ace what the hell" I say as I stand up. "I- im sorry" he says as he quickly stands up and grabs a hold of my hand. "I'm sorry" he says as he places his forehead against mine. "I- I've been having trouble controlling it lately" he says. I feel him press his lips against my forehead. "I'm sorry tesoro." he says as he pulls away.

"It's ok" I say as I grip onto his hand tight. "It's not" he says as he brings his index finger slowly moving against it. "That tickles" I say as I swat his hand away.

I feel his hand slap my ass hard. That's going to leave a mark. "That's for watching this show without me" he says as he places a sloppy kiss on my neck. "You still want to get a puppy?" He asks as he sits on my bed. I nod my head as a smile appears on my face.

As I make my way over to him I feel something hit my back. "Michael Myers" I yell as I jump on my bed and hide behind Ace.

His deep chuckle fills the room. Why is he laughing? "It was just the toy" he wheezes out.

I peek from above his shoulder and see the toy car and the remote control in his hand. "Jackwad" I say as I shove his shoulder playfully.

Sorry for a short chapter today. I woke up late and honestly this day was shitty.

I also know it's not the best chapter I've written I'm not proud of it but I wanted to give you guys a chapter today.

Love y'all and hope you guys understand.

*Not Edited*

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