Mystery Man

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I wake up the next morning and make my way to the bathroom.

I throw on some makeup before leaving my room and walking to the kitchen. Dash still layed in my bed fast asleep.

I walk into the kitchen and am met with Ace's mother. We sat and chatted for a while until Ace came into the kitchen and asked me to come with him for a second. I look at his mom and she gives me a nod.

I get up and walk over to him. He grabs me by my wrist and dragged me into the nearest bathroom. I tried to get out of his grip but couldn't break out of it.

He grabbed a washcloth and soaked it with the water from the sink. He quickly put it against my face and rubbed away my makeup leaving him to look at the marks on my face. He drops the washcloth and brings his hand up to my face as his fingers traced the wounds.

"What happened" he asks. I look at the floor trying to come up with an excuse.

He puts his index finger on the bottom of my chin and pushes it up so we're now face to face. "I-" I try to speak but his index finger quickly leaves my chin and covers my lips.

"The truth" he says.

"Burn in hell you bastard" I say coldly.

"Now, that's no way to talk to your fiancé" he says with a smile mocking me from last night.

"How was she" I question knowing god damn well he slept with her.

"I didn't get a chance to see due to you showing up and breaking her nose."

I scoff at what he said.

"Was someone jealous?" he said as a smirk appeared on his face.

"You wish" I respond mocking his smirk.

I then twist my arm in a quick motion before breaking out of his grip.

I walk out of the bathroom and start to walk to my room to put on some more makeup.

As I'm walking I hear footsteps following me. I walk in my room and slam the door on their face.

The door opens revealing a mad Ace. "You know, people say you kill people for fun. Is that true?" I say as I walk to the bathroom.

I get no response.

I put the makeup on then walk out the door of the bathroom to see Ace on my bed with the remote in his hand. I leave my room and walk over to his. I hop on his bed like he does mine. I grab the remote and put on a movie.

I hear someone enter the room and I quickly hide under the covers.

"Alright Veronica, get out of this house before I shoot you." He says in an annoyed tone. I pop my head out of the blanket and I see his eyes roll.



I hear him cock his gun.

I quickly hop out of the bed and walk towards the door. His eyes look in shock as he sees me get out of the bed. I walk past him and skip down the hallway to my room like a child.

I skip past my room and go down a flight of stairs.

I walk into the kitchen and immediately turn around when I see Ace's dad in there. I walk towards the front doors and swing one of them open. Grabbing a pair of keys that hang on a key holder under the name Ace.

Sense I am his fiance he has to learn how to share. I press the unlock button as I walk into a garage full of cars.

I hear a click come from a black Chevrolet camaro.

I open the car door and put the key in the ignition.

The farthest I made it was to the main gate. One of the guards stopped me and dragged me back into the house. "Mr. Vinceair" He yells so that his voice is heard throughout the house.

"This better be important" a voice says from the stairwell that leads up to the hallway containing both our rooms along with some others. He walks down the stairs staring at me with those ocean eyes of his. His gaze goes off me and onto the guard as he starts to speak.

"I caught her trying to take one of your cars out of here" he says.

Ace rolls his eyes and sets them back onto me.

"Give her her." He says sternly. The guard roughly tosses me to Ace causing our bodies to collide into each other. He grips onto me as I'm about to fall and hit the floor. He smiled then let me go. I fall onto the floor and groan.

"Im not an object to be thrown around." I say as I rub the back of my head. The guard was now gone and Ace was walking out of the room. '

I put my head on the floor once again and grunt.

I'm bored.

I get up and head to the kitchen. I open cabinets until I find the one stocked with liquor. I pull out some whiskey and a cup. I pour the whiskey into the cup and down it.

I throw the empty cup into the sink and take a swig from the bottle.

I walk to my room holding the bottle of whiskey in one hand and another bottle in the other.

I walk into my room and shoo Dash out. I don't know how drunk I'm going to get but I definitely do not want to end up hurting him. I close the door as he walks out and turn on some Teen Wolf. I take a couple more swigs of the liquor.

After a couple minutes I feel the liquor sink into my body. I finished the whole bottle and grabbed the other one that I put on my nightstand. I open it and take a couple gulps. After not even 10 minutes the bottle is empty.

I get off my bed and stumble to the door. I open it and start to walk towards the staircase. As I reach the first step I stumble and tumble down the stairs.

I hear a door swing open and start to run to the sound.

I let out laughs that seemed to fill the entire house. I guess when I'm like this I replace my pain with laughs. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I'm pulled up. I try and find my balance but it disappeared. I fall onto the person who stood me up. His scent sludded my nose. His masculine scent mixed with his cologne smelled good.

I look up at the body I fell into and meet my eyes with Aces.

"Well hello there mystery man."

Last one for today hope y'all enjoy.

Have a goodnight.

*Not Edited*

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