Fuck You

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"Fucking put your clothes back on" he yells.

"But it's hot." I complain as I take the bear off Ace's lap. "Then tell me to put the fucking AC on." Ace says stepping on the gas harder.

"You said Acey" I yell as I laugh. " Isn't that what that slut called you?" I laugh even harder, making me cry.

"God you stupid." He says as he looks at my body.

"Stop looking" I pout as I place my hand on his face and push it away forcing his eyes to fall on the road.

He turns on the AC and blasts it which made me put my clothes back on.

Once we get to the house Ace gets out of the car and openes my door, "such a gentleman" I say with a smile as I hop out.

"Here" I say, stumbling towards him and handing him the bear. "It's you see." It's even got a secret message I say as I smirk.

He looks at me with confusion. "It's in its arms, see." I say pointing to the bear's left arm.

"Squeeze it" I say. He looks at me with an unimmunized look as he squeezes the bears arm and the voice audio turns on.

"Fuck you" then my giggle fills the backround.

"Fuck you too" he says as he smiles.

He grabs my waist and pushes it against his. Was this his way of trying to help me from falling? God im horney. So fucking horney.

I look at the guard that stares at both of us as we walk in. "Too easy" I say out loud. "What's too easy." Ace asks. "Nothing" I say looking at him. "Way too easy" I say, looking Ace up and down. I think Ace caught on to what I was doing due to his comment "If you fuck anyone I'll kill them and that little friend of yours that was on the bar topless"

"Does that count for you?" I look at him with a smirk.

"Now why would I kill myself darling? I have everything I could ever want here."

"And what's that?"

"Power" he says as he pushes me into his room. He closes the door behind him and locks it.

I fall onto the floor and rub my head.

"Why are you rubbing your head. It didn't even hit anything." Ace says as he picks me and places me on his bed.

Before I can talk Ace smashes his lips onto mine. My body instantly fills with butterflies as I take in the kiss. He pulls away and quickly takes off my shirt before smashing his lips onto mine.

*Mature Content Ahead* ( skip to the next chapter if you'd don't want to read )

"Fuck tesoro" Ace groans as I place my hand on his erection. He puts his hand under my shorts slowly traveling up to my pussy. I feel my underwear get soaked as he inches closer. Touch my already my god.

I pull away from the kiss and move my hand towards the buckle of his belt. I unhook it and throw it to the side as it goes through all the belt loops on his black trousers. I unbutton the button on them then unzip his fly. I tug on them, indicating to take them off. 

Ace smirks as he pushes me down on the bed. He slips off my shorts while I slip off his pants leaving him in only his boxers. Ace moves his hands down my thighs and spreads them open. He looks at me with lust in his eyes.

"May I tesoro?" He says still looking at me then moving them down to my throbbing pussy.

I nod as he takes off my underwear.

He moves his fingers down stopping at my lips. I clench my fist at the frustration he was causing. "God you look beautiful" he says before slipping one of his fingers in my pussy. I loud moan left my lips as he pounded his finger into me.

"Your fucking soaked Malia." He says "and tight" he adds as he slipped another finger in. Moans left me. I didn't care if anyone heard me. All I cared about was soaking in the pleasure he was giving me.

He slips both his fingers out and puts them in his mouth. "God you taste good" he says as he lowers his face down in between my legs. I feel his tongue go against my pussy and I let out a breathless moan. He places his thumb on my clit and starts to rub it as he slipped his tongue in me. "Jesus Christ Ace" I moan as I feel myself reaching my climax. My legs start to shake. "Ace im gonna-" I start but am cut off by him pulling away.

The sensation of pleasure quickly faded as he got up and walked to the bathroom. Goodnight tesoro" He says as he walks out the bathroom wearing a pair of sweatpants.

"Fuck you" I said as I got up and stumbled to the door. He watches me as I walk out of his room butt as naked with only a bra on and walk to my room. 

I start a shower and hop in.

If Ace Vinceair wants to play this way then let the games begin.

I have a lot of things to say. First off is I this one is shorter then usual but I thought I'd leave it there.

Second off in the chapter *Wasted* when he was talking to his sister it was in Latin if you want to see what they said.

Third off I made a TikTok account the  my username is xxdailyzxx. So if you want to you can go follow me.

Fourth off I hope y'all like this one.

Next part WILL be out soon. I promise

Hope y'all are having a good day so far too. :)))

That's all I gotta say for right now.

So on that note.....

*Not Edited*

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