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I get woken up by a door slam. My body felt cold as I try to reach for Ace but I didn't feel him. I open my eyes and see an empty spot.

I hop out of bed and throw on a sports bra and some sweats. I walk over to his room and open his door. Nothing.

Did he just want sex with me? My stomach churns and I feel sick in the stomach. Come on Malia push it away.

I walk downstairs and enter the kitchen. I pull out a bag of m&ms and start eating them. Not the ideal breakfast but screw it. "Good Morning, how are you?" I hear Aces mom say. I look up at her "I'm good how about you" I say as I stuff a handful of m&ms in my mouth. "I'm ok" she says as she chuckles at the sight of me. "Do you know where Ace is?" I question. "He's on a mission, he will be gone for a couple days." she says as she pulls out a piece of bread and pop it into the toaster.

He left without saying goodbye and not even leaving a note for me. Such a dick.

"Can I have a friend over?" I ask as I get up and throw the m&m trash away. I see her pause and think for a second. "Have them out of here before 12 tonight, ok" she says as the bread pops. "Yep" I say as I nod. "Thanks" I shout as I run out of the kitchen towards my room.

I hop on my bed and grab my phone off the nightstand. I go to my contacts and press on the number that says Kia.

I text her *wanna hang out?* Nothing special, just a question. I exit out of my contacts and press on TikTok. I haven't been here in a while. I swipe through most of the videos and stop on the video that should be in heaven. It's drool worthy.

A Stiles edit transitioning into a Theo edit. My god I think i'm going to faint. I watch that edit for a good two minutes before being interrupted by Kia's message. *Yess GIRL!!* You can probably tell who's the dry texter out of the two of us.

*Come over here* I text her as I send my location. *Alright I'll be there in 10* She texts back. I smile and walk out to the front gate of the house.

As I'm scrolling through TikTok I hear a car pull up. "It's ok" I shout as I run up to the guard. "She's with me." The guard stares at me straight in the eyes like he's trying to find my soul. That went on for a good ten seconds before he opened the gate to let Kia in.

She drives past me and parks in the front. "Girl what is this place" She says as she walks up to me to give me a hug. "I've been staying here for a while" I say as I pull away. "Come on let's go up to my room." I say as I open the door and walk in.

As we enter my room she pulls a bottle of whiskey out from under her shirt. "Wanna take the first swig?" she asks. "Im good" I say as I jump on my bed and turn on her favorite show. "Omg Damon" she squeals as she jumps on my bed. "Stefans better" I say as I turn my head towards her.

"Damons better you just have no taste." She says as she places the bottle of whisky on my nightstand. I chuckle at her comment. If you havent noticed by now, we're watching The Vampire Diaries.

"Favorite Mikaelson" she asks. "Definitely Klaus" I say as I slam my back onto the bed. "I like Kol," she says as she copies my movements.

It's been 3 hours of us talking and watching The Vampire Diaries. "So how did you get into" She pauses and looks aro;.n jkund my room that looks like it costs thousands of dollars. "This?"

"A friend" I shrug. God I hated that. I'm a snake, I've never lied to her and doing it makes me feel guilty.

"Is he cute?" She says as she moves her eyebrows up and down. "Not at all" I laugh out.

"You ready" she says as she grabs the bottle of whiskey. "Yep" I respond as I snatch it out of her hand. I quickly open it and take the first swig. "Give me" she says as she points to the bottle. I laugh as I take another swig then handing it to her.

I like to savor the taste of the whiskey at first unlike Kia, she chugs it like her life depends on it. "Don't drink all of it" I hiss as I try to grab the bottle. She moves the bottle out of my reach right as I was about to grab it. "BItch" I say as I crawl over to it but she moves it again. "Game on" I say as I get in the stance dogs get in when they want to play.

I pause and sit up. Dash. I look over at my night stand to see the picture of both of us. I smile as I look at the picture from afar. God I still miss him. "Here" Kia says as she hands me the almost empty bottle of whiskey.

I snatch it and quickly chug it all. "Looks like we need more." She says as she gets up. "Yes we do" I say as I jump off the bed. We both walk into the kitchen. I grab two bottles of liquor from the cabinet. "Package secure" I say as I put my hand up to my ear mimicking the people in movies who do that.

"Alright" I say as I hand Kia one of the bottles. "That's yours and this is mine. Handle it with care like it's one of your kids." I say as I point to her bottle of liquor. "This is Billy," Kia says, lifting up her bottle of liquor. "This is Timmy," I say as I lift up my bottle. "Our kids" I say as I go to exit the kitchen.

As I walk out I see someone standing in the shadows appear out of nowhere. I let out a high pitch scream as I jump back in fear and drop the bottle of whiskey. "Shit, sorry Malia" the person says as he steps out of the shadows. "Diego?" I ask. "Yep, sorry for that" he says looking down at the glass shards and liquor that is all over the floor.

I look down and see the big mess. "My sons dead corpse is everywhere." I yell as I fall to the floor. "Mommy loves you Timmy." I say as I pat a piece of glass. I feel a tear run down my cheek. "Mommy loves you" I say as I kneel down and kiss the shard of glass.

"What the hell am I watching? '' Diego said as he stared down at the crime scene.

"This is all my fault" I say as I hop up and lean against Kia's body. "I killed Timmy."

I slowly walk into the kitchen and pull out a plastic straw. I walk back out to the crime scene and lay down. "Bye bye Timmy." I say as I pull the straw up to my lips and start to suck up the liquor on the floor. "Alright that's enough" Diego says as he lets out a laugh. I feel his hands wrap around my arms and he pulls me up.

"I'll clean this up. You guys go upstairs in your room" he says. I huff as I stumble towards the stairs. "Come on Kia" I say as I slowly climb up the stairs. "I'll be up there in a few" She says as she stares at Diego. "Ok, you better" I say as I give her a glare.

"You have a low tolerance of alcohol." She blurts out. "So" I say as I disappear into the hallway. I stumble my way past my room and into Ace's. His scent fills my nose as I jump into his bed. I miss him.

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