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I wake up the next morning from almost being suffocated by Ace's body on top of mine. "Ace get off me" I grunt as I use all my strength to push him off me. "Stop" he whines as he pulls my body close to him. "I have to get ready" I say as I sit up and try to get up off the bed. I feel him wrap his hands around my waist but I quickly swat them away. "Today is a big day and we better start off early." I say as I look at the clock that reads 7:28 a.m.

I hear him grunt as I close the bathroom door and lock it. After I'm done getting ready I walk out and throw on a pair of clothes. "Alright I'm ready" I say as I sit on the bed and pat Ace's back. "Get up." I say as I tug on a piece of his hair. He hums in response as he gets up and walks out of the room. "Meet me at the front door in five" He says.

I nod as I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I grab an apple and make my way to the front door. "Good morning" I say to the guard that was guarding the door from the inside. "Good morning miss," he says as he turns to me. "Are you going somewhere?" he asks. I nod and take a bite out of the apple. "Me and Ace are going to some places." I say as I lean up against one of the walls.

He looks at me weirdly as he stares at my mouth. Shit. I swallow my food. "Sorry" I say as I let out a nervous chuckle. "Alright let's go" Ace says as he walks down the stairs. He grabs a pair of keys and exits the house. "Wait up" I say as I chase after him.

"How tall are you?" I ask him as we make our way to the garage. "I don't know," he says as he presses the unlock button. "Why?" he asks as he opens the passenger side door. "Just curious" I reply as I hop in the car.

He closes the door behind me and gets in on the driver's side. He starts the car and quickly pulls out of the front gate. "Alright where are we going first?" I yell as I start to blast the music. I hear him say something but I can't make it out. "What?" I yell. I hear him say something again but can hardly hear it. "What?" I yell again. "For fuck sakes Malia." He shouts as he turns the radio off.

"Oh come on" I pout as I reach back over to the radio. "No" he says as he grabs my hand and pulls it up to his lips. He gives it a peck before letting my hand go. "Any specific breed you like?" He asks.

Time to joke around. "I've always wanted a chihuahua," I say. "Hell no" he says back quickly. "Aww are you scared of little chihuahuas" I say tauntingly as I poke his shoulder. "No, they're just ugly and weird." He huffs. "Even if it is for you I would never get one." he adds sternly. "Im just kidding" I say as I giggle.

"I guess I've always wanted a leonberger," I say. I see him raise an eyebrow out of the corner of my eye. "Here" I say as I pull out my phone and show Ace a picture of the breed. He nods as he pulls over on the side of the road. "Are there any near us?" He asks. I quickly search up online and see that somes selling puppies about two hours away.

"Someones selling some two hours away," I say as I give him a nervous smile. "Give them a call" he says while rolling his eyes. I go to my contacts and call the person selling them.

I spent a good fifteen minutes on the phone talking to a lady that seemed very nice. "Ok we will be there shortly and thanks again" I say as I hang up the phone. "Thank god" Ace scolds as he starts the car up again. "Where are we going?" he says as he looks over at me. I put the lady's address in google maps and handed the phone to him. "Right there" I say pointing to our destination.

"You owe me" he says as he places my phone somewhere where it won't fall but he can see it. "I know" I say as I roll my eyes and stare out the window. I feel him place one of his hands on my thigh. "Big time" he says as he starts to drive.

It took us three hours to get there. Ace kept stopping to either eat, go to the bathroom, or stretch his legs. He's acting like a baby.

"Your destination is on the left," the google maps lady says.

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