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"What was that about?" Malia asks as she gives me a worried look. "Nothing just work" I say.

She looks at me curiously before starting to head towards the sandy beach. "Do you even know where you're going?" I ask as I catch up to her. "No," she says.

I roll my eyes. "This way" I say as I start to head towards the multiple buildings. "It's cold" she says as she crosses her arms looking for warmth. "Don't worry, we're sitting inside" I say as I grab Odie's leash. She nods and quickly grabs my hand. "You're always warm" she says as she leans against me.

I couldn't help but smile. She is and forever will be my everything.

"You know" she starts off. "I have a surprise for you also." she says. "Do you" I say as I look at the top of her head. "Yes," she mumbles.

Both of us walk in a comforting silence until she breaks it. "Are we almost there?" she whines as she leans off of me and tilts her head up to face me. I nod in response. "Almost" I say as I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her to the side of me.

Once we arrive at a building I stop. I look at Malia then start to walk through the front doors of the building.

Once were in the building most of the waiters stop what there doing and stare at the three of us.

"Restaurant" Malia says pleased. I nod.

"Sit" I say as I look down at Odie when I see one of the greeters quickly make their way towards us.
"Sir" they studer as they grab the menus. "Usually" I say. "Yes sir" they say before walking away. We follow them until we reach a secluded area. One of the walls was made out of glass so you could see the ocean and the sunset.

"Will we get to see it?" Malia whispers as she sits down. "Yes" I whisper back as I take my seat. The greeter places our menus in front of us then quickly leaves.

Malia smiles once they walk away. "Im starving" she says as she opens the menu. "Get anything you want" I say as I look over at Odie who was laying on the floor.

"Anything" Malia says as she raises an eyebrow. I nod and quickly turn to her.

She's got something up her sleeve. I can practically smell it. "What are you going to get?" I ask.

She looks up from her menu. "What's the most expensive thing?" she asks while giving me a playful smile. "Does it look like I know?" I say as I shrug my shoulders. "No," she says as she looks down at her menu.

"Steak, that's what I'll get." she says as she closes the menu. "I doubt that's the most expensive thing on the menu" I say. "I know but I like steak," she says a little bit annoyed.

"You look hot. Did I tell you that?" I say as I scan the portion of her body I can see. "Actually no, I dont think youve ever said that" she says as she rests her head on her hand.

I nod.

As I'm about to speak I hear someone slowly walk to our table. "Have you decided what you would like to drink?" the waiter says as she pulls out her notepad. I look over at Malia to signal her to go first.

"What's better here, the whiskey or wine" she questions.

"For fucks sake" I say. "she will take a mix of coke and crown and I will take a go-" I say but Malia quickly cuts me off.

"He will take a Sam Adams," she says quickly while smirking at me. The waiter nods then leaves.

"What the hell was that" I say with a little domination in my voice. "You ordered my drink so I ordered you" she said calmly while shrugging her shoulders.

I scoff and she quickly gives me a glare. "What are you getting?" she says, her gaze still set on me.

"Veal" I say while fixing my posture.

"The baby male cows' ' she says as she gasps sarcastically. I give her a serious look. "No the male chickens" I say as I roll my eyes. She smiles at my words. "I'm marrying a knockoff version of Stiles" she says.

I shake my head slowly trying to hold back my smile.

"Here you go" the waiter says as she makes her way up to us. She hands us our drinks then pulls out her notepad. "Have you guys decided on what you would like to eat yet?" she asks as she stares at Malia.

"Can I have the eight ounce steak?" she says as she points to the item on the menu. "Your sides?" the waiter asks as she writes in her notebook. "Baked potato and the house salad" she says as she closes the menu.

"Sir" the waiter says as she turns her body towards me. "Veal" I say. She nods her head and walks away after jotting it down on her notepad.

"I have a feeling that they know you." she says as she raises an eyebrow. "The mafia owns this place so if you put it that way sure" I say as I take a sip of my drink.

"You own this place don't you." she says. I nod.

"Well it is a very beautiful place," she adds as she looks over towards the window. I follow her gaze to meet the sight she stopped to look at.

"Very" she says as she stares at the sunset.

I clear my throat. "Malia" I say as I place my hand on her wrist.

I get up from my seat and lightly pull her up with me. She looks at me confused. "Fucking hell" I murmer. "Will you?" I start off. I grab a small little box that I had tucked away in one of my pant pockets. "Marry me" I say as I kneel down on one knee.

I see her smile grow wide as she stares at me. "Didn't you already ask me this" she says as she raises an eyebrow.

I roll my eyes. "I wanted to do this the right way." I say as I stand up and take the ring out of the box. I grab her left hand and look up at her.

"Yes" she says as she leans in to kiss me.

Once she pulls away I slip the ring on her finger.

"Were for real now" she says as she wiggles her fingers.

I chuckle and shake my head.

Suddenly the closet door burst opens and I quickly draw out my gun and aim it at the person.

"It's just me." Deigo says as he smiles. "I got some good photos in here" he says as he pats his camera.

"I thought you were here to kill us." Malia squeals as she quickly walks over to him. She pulls him into a hug. "I would never" Diego responds as he pulls out of it.

"But I'm not lying, I got some good ones." He says as he pats his camera once again.

"Alright I will go now" he says as he points towards our waiter. She was bringing out our food and without another word Diego left.


"Thankyou for everything," Malia says as I open the door to my car. I nod and shut the door.

"Home here we come" she says as she points behind us. "Wrong way" I say as I back up the car and head off.

"Nope it's over there" she says as she points in the same direction. I hear a wine come from the back of the car then a bark.

"I got it," Malia says as she places a hand on my shoulder. She unbuckles her seatbelt then gets up and pokes her head in the back seat where Odie. Without hesitation I slap her butt and I hear her wince.

"It's in my face." I say.

I hear her grunt before she quickly goes back to sit.

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