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Mature Content Ahead

(If you don't want to read it then don't read this chapter)

Are you watching Teen Wolf without me?" he huffs. "I said I'm sorry" I say as I go back to the last episode we watched together. He stares at me as I press the play button.

He struts over to the bed and sits at the end of it. "Hand me the remote" he says as he turns his body to me. I throw him the remote and he pauses the show. "Oh come on" I say as I slam my body fully onto the bed. He couldn't at least pause it on Stiles so I could see his perfectness.

"Who do you love more, me or Stiles?" Ace asks in a determined tone. I sit up and look him straight in the eyes. "Stiles of course" I say. He scoffs and scoots closer to me. "Say that again I couldn't hear you" he says. "Stiles" I say. He scoots closer to me until our faces are centimeters apart. "You horney bastard I said Stiles" I yell as I jump up and run towards the door.

As I'm running I trip over a pair of pants I forgot to pick up. Great, I think to myself as I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me up. "I'm very" he says. I can hear the smirk in his voice. "Let me go" I wail. "As you wish" he says as he slams my body onto the bed.

"Owww" I pout as I pull the remote out from under my head. He lets out a husky giggle. He's so adorable. He hops on top of me and starts straddling me. "Get off" I giggle as I try to push him off. "You talk too much," he says as he softly places his lips on mine.

"Rude" I say as I mumble into our kiss. His tongue sneaks his way into mine and starts to wrap around mine. Weirdo.

He pulls away and slips his shirt off. Geez that was smooth.

He slips off my underwear and shorts. He grabs both my legs and places them over his shoulders. Before I can say anything I feel his warm breath against my pussy. Oh shit. I feel his tongue move against my opening and I let out a moan.

I clench my hands into fists as he puts his tongue into me. I let out a shaky breath as he pulled away. "Ace" I wine. He drops my legs back onto the bed. "Before I continue, say you love me." He says as he raises an eyebrow. "I love you" I say as I turn my head to the tv in defeat.

"I love you" he says as he grabs my face and makes me face him. He slowly hovers over me. "Nope" I say as I wrap my legs around his waist. I use all the strength in my to flip him over so I'm straddling him now.

I sirk and place my lips on his exactly like he did to me. I slowly move my ass down to his dick and grind on it. He lets out a moan as I pull away. Hearing him moan turns me on even more and I'm pretty sure he knows that. "My turn" he says as he wraps his hands around my waist and slams me next to him.

He quickly maneuvers his way on top of me. He slides off my shirt and starts sucking my stomach. He slowly makes his way towards the bottom of my sports bra. He raises his head and gives me a glare. "What is it with you and these bras?" He says as he rolls his eyes.

I let out a chuckle as he starts to slip it off. As he throws it on the floor and starts to lower his head to one of my nipples I slam my hand against his face. "What was that for?" he says as he raises his head to make eye contact with me.

"Ace I-, I just wanted to say thankyou for not treating me differently" I say.

I see him smile as he nods. "I would never." he says as he brings his head closer to mine and pecks my lips. He goes back down to my boobs and starts to suck on my nipple. Swirling his tongue around the probably already hard bud he pulls away.

He gets up and pulls down his pants then pulling down his boxers. I look at his member. It's longer and thicker than I thought I saw in the shower.

As he walks up to me he slowly gets on top of me. "May I" he says as he looks down at his hard member. I nod and watch as he walks into the bathroom. He comes out a couple seconds later with a packet. I see him open it and slip it on his member.

"Are you sure?" he says as he slowly gets on top of me once again. "Yes" I say. I feel him position it up against my opening. As he places a kiss on my lips he slowly inserts it into me. "Fuck your tight" he groans. I let a deep moan escape from me. "I'm not even fully inside you yet" he says. I look down and he is one hundred percent right.

"Ace I don't think I can take all of you" I whimper. "You can don't worry," he says as he brings his hand up to my cheek and wipe a tear that I didn't notice fell. I nod and with that he places his hands on my waist and pounds into me.

I squeeze my eyes shut and grip onto the bed sheets. "Im sorry tesoro" he says as he wipes another tear off my cheek. "We can stop," he says. I shake my head. "It's ok, we can continue." I say.

I open my eyes and concern fills his. "I said it ok" I say as I give him a smile. He nods as he slowly thrusts in and out of me. The pain I felt before quickly faded and now filled my body with pleasure. "Ace faster" I moan. I feel him quicken his pace slowly increasing his speed. As he trusts in and out of my faster I feel the bed start swaying and the headboard starts knocking into the wall. As I feel my legs start to shake I notice Ace thrusts even faster.

Pounding into me one last time made my body fill with more pleasure. As I'm about to release Ace grabs my face "Not yet" he groans as he quickens his pace.

Our hips slam together making a loud clap every time Ace thrusts into me. As I try to hold in my orgasm I clench my pussy around Ace's hard dick.

"Fuck Malia" he says as I feel him get harder.

"You can release now" he says as he thrusts into me one last time. As I release I feel Ace release too. As he pulls completely out of me he slams his body next to mine. I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him closer to me. "That felt so fucking good" he says in a hoarse voice.

He rolls on his side so he's facing me and places a kiss on my forehead. "I love you" he says as he wraps one of his arms around my waist and the other pulls the blanket over us. "I love you" I say as I give him a peck on the lips before snuggling my face into his chest.

My gosh a whole chapter of smut. God please forgive me. I never thought I would do this before.

Anyway I don't have much to say. Only that it 2:00 a.m here so sorry if there's any typos😅

Anyway GOODNIGHT! 😴💤

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