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"Malia" I hear someone whisper. I don't respond. "Malia" the person whispers again but this time shaking me. I groan and slowly open my eyes.

"What the fuck" I say as I jump back. "Diego what the hell you scared me" I say as I place my hand on my chest. "Sorry" he says as he gives me a cheeky smile.

I hear Ace groan from behind me. "I'm bored," he says as he sits on the bed. "Go watch tv then" I say as I motion towards the tv. "Electricity's out" he says while rolling his eyes. "Still" I say surprised. He nods then gets up.

I look at him curiously as he makes his way to Ace's desk. He opens one of the drawers and pulls out two markers. "If we get caught I'm blaming it on you" he says as he throws me a marker.

Already knowing what Diego is planning I catch it then take the cap off.

I slowly inch my way a little closer to Ace. I smile as I lightly press the black marker and draw a dick. Just the two circles and an oval one though, not detailed. I try to hold back my laughs as I sketch more things on his face.

"My turn" Diego almost squeals as he starts to draw things on his face.

Once his face is almost completely covered in our drawings Diego places the markers back where they used to be.

Once Diego sits on the end of the bed and gets comfy I whisper Ace's name while shaking him. He lets out a groan. "Is that all you got?" I say as I start to shake him harder.

His eyes finally open after a few good shakes and he looks at me. "You look tired" I say. "Maybe because I didn't get any sleep last night" he says as he lazaly rolls his eyes. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Diego's face looking disgusted.

"We didn't do what you're thinking" I say as I turn my attention towards Diego. I hear Ace shuffle around. "I'm going to use the toilet" Ace says as he gets up.

My attention quickly fell on him as he got out from under the covers. He was shirtless and was wearing a pair of sweats.

How was he under those covers? It was like a sauna last night.

Diego lets out a little cough as Ace makes his way closer to the bathroom door. I look over at Diego. He had a wide smile on him and his face is a tomato red.

Both of us burst out laughing when we hear Ace start cussing us out. He storms out of the bathroom and goes over to Diego. "It was me," I say quickly.

Ace's attention turns towards me, he looks pissed. I stop laughing and look into his eyes curiously. His face looks pissed but his eyes say something different I can't seem to understand.

He walks back into the bathroom after a couple seconds of just staring at me.

I hear the water turn on and I know that he is trying to wash it off.

"What type of markers did we use?" I question as I look over at Diego. He shrugs and heads back to the drawer. "Expo" he says. "Although I wish it was permanent" he adds as gives himself a smirk.

After a while Ace came out of the bathroom. He quickly pointed to the door while giving Diego a rude glare. "Out" Ace says sternly.

Diego quickly scurries out of the room. "I'll be in the kitchen eating" he shouts. "Make me a sandwich" I yell back. I hear him say something but it was muffled.

"Don't lie to me again" he says while giving me a glare. I return the favor and give him my best glare. "I didn't lie," I say. "There it is again" he says as he points directly at me. "I know Diego had a part in that marker mess" he grunts.

I suddenly see Odie come out of the bathroom and make his way to me. "When did you go in there?" I say as I pet his thick hair. I try to think of something to change the subject between me and Ace's conversation but nothing comes to mind.

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