Chapter 3: Diamonds

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~Zak's Pov~

I limp through the desolate landscape, trying my best not to collapse from the pain, or the heat and exhaustion. I felt like I had been walking for hours, the only light illuminating form the lava and fire.

Why did I have to make such a dumb choice?

Can I die again? If I do... do I go to double hell?

It sure feels like I'm on the brink of death, everything hurts so much...

I keep trudging along through the baron plains, walking past massive stalagmites and piles of garbage that were mostly burnt so badly, you wouldn't be able to tell what the pile consisted of. Now might also be a good time to mention that there also are no clear roads, so any ground I stand on has it's flaws; some soil is so dry that it caves like sand, getting into my beat up tennis shoes and making it a bit more difficult to walk. Some patches of rocks were uneven, jagged, or even sharp, tearing up my already bad shoes. It seemed like the only place with solid ground was where lava had cooled, if it could cool, forming smooth stones.

I have also yet to see water, though, I wouldn't be surprised if that just didn't exist here, due to the overwhelming heat.

Despite everything, I didn't feel thirsty, or hungry for that matter. Tired, sure, but other normal things, nope! I guess that comes with being... dead...

I should take a break... I've been walking Foreeeeever!

Setting my eyes on a trash pile a few yards ahead of me, as some kind of goal to reach before giving up for... today..? The concept of time is beyond me at this point, I have no idea how long I've been here. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a few days.

Stopping for a moment in front of a half burnt vanity, it's glass faded and shattered, but not to the point that it can no longer be a mirror.

I gasp for air as I doubled over from the exhaustion, the hot air and smoke not making it any easier to catch my breath.

I glance over at the shattered glass, then turn my head back to the ground as I pant, only to quickly do a double take of the glass, not believing what I see.

In front of me, in the reflective glass of the mirror, I saw someone with dirt and dried blood stuck to their face, but most shocking was a pair of jagged, diamond like crystals that resembled uneven horns protruding from my forehead. While they were a little short, they were still very noticeable, as they sparkled in the dim light that surrounded me.

And there were more...

The first, and more noticeable one I found were some small ones on my left knuckle, though, my right hand, the hand I had used to make my choice, not only had these crystals sticking out of it, but half of my hand seemed to be made of them. All the way down to my bones, and even then, some of my bones look slightly replaced as well, but I can't really tell... I flexed my hand to make sure it still worked, and sure enough, the diamonds still worked as well as the flesh and tissue that had once been in its place.

The next one I noticed was a source of the stabbing pain I felt, and was embedded into the side of my neck.

I also felt stabbing pains on my elbows and knees, so I could assume what was causing them now, without having to remove my blue hoodie or black jeans. I began pulling at the collar of my hoodie, just to reveal several shining crystals lining my collarbone, that were so small, they almost looked like squarish scales.

I felt around for more, and while I did feel a quite a few of varying sizes on my upper back, much of my lower back, sides, arms, legs, stomach, and other places with soft tissue, while there were a few small ones, didn't seem to have that many of them.

However, there were a few tiny ones that I couldn't even see at first that freckled my checks. I only knew that because when I turned, I could see my face shimmer in the fire light and burning embers of what once was wood on the vanity.

I barely even recognize myself! If it wasn't for my fluffy black hair and chocolate eyes that were starring back at me, I would have thought I was a different person!

What have I become..? What happened to me..?

I can't let anyone see this!

Despite not having seen anyone in my very long walk trying to find someone, panic set over me. What if I actually found someone? What would they think of me? Would they have similar mutations, or would I be like a monster to them?

My first order of business was pulling my sleeves down over my hands. This was a temporary solution, and it will change if I ever find gloves. Next, I pull my hood up over my head. While it didn't do much, it slightly obscured the crystal on my neck which was helpful. I then stare into back into the vanity, wondering how on earth... hell..? Ugh! How am I going to hide the goddamn crystals on my face?!

That's when it caught my eye.

A dull cyan box that had been virtually untouched by they fire, and while it might have been a bit dusty, it was almost in perfect condition.

I hobbled over to it, and scooped it off the ground. I then straighten up, and walk back over to the shattered mirror.

I get to work and begin by tearing off the opened flaps at the bottom. I then roll up my right sleeve, and begin to cut two, square shaped holes in the front of the box with my newly crystal hand, you know, so I will be able to see. Once that its done, I drag my finger across a completely chard spot on the burnt vanity, the chalky, black residue sticking to my finger. I proceed to enlarge the look of the eyeholes with the substance by drawing on the box. Okay, so now that box has eyes... but it's missing something... but what? After a bit of consideration, I finally decide, and draw a derpy smile on the box.

Perfect. I slowly lower the box over my head, and bring it to rest on my hair and... horn or crystals... no idea which they are meant to be, so, yeah. But they did help stabilize the box and stop it from going lopsided, so that's good. I pull my right sleeve back down, turn back to the way I was heading, and once again, began my walk to try and find something living.

I talk a deep breath, before stepping away from the broken vanity.

~Author's note~

Okay, wow.

I really enjoyed writing that, it was a cool concept I knew I was going to use from the start!

Anyways, would anyone like a chapter in someone else's pov explain how and why Zak died young like he did?

If so, I'd be happy do do that.

On another note, I hope anyone who is reading enjoys my writing.

Make sure to eat enough lovelies!

Make sure to stay healthy and safe!

~A Final Choice~ (Skephalo)Where stories live. Discover now