Chapter 8: A Fiery brew

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~Bad's pov~

Oh, I sure hope Skeppy slept well. No one has ever slept in that room before!

I quickly walk down the winding staircase, trying to figure some things out. My boots thumping against the cold slabs.

So, I gave him what he will most likely need for now. If he needs anything else, I have informed him that he can come and ask me for things whenever he would like.

Now, regardless of that, I need to get on with the chores.

What first?

Oh! My Nether Wart is probably done growing by now! That and brewing more potions would be a great start to my day! After all, I don't just need potions for me now.

I continue through the maze of hallways and stairwells, all of which I know by heart. In fact, I can sometimes hear my cape snap as it makes sharp turns... Which is odd considering I don't think I'm going that fast, or making such sharp turns...

Oh well, maybe I'm just underestimating myself in my excitement!

What else do I have to do today..?


I have to get ready for tomorrow! I almost forgot, dang it! I have to meet Niki at the boarder tomorrow, to discuss what has been going on between heaven and the Nether. She is really the loveliest angel anyone could ever meet, and she doesn't tease me for making a new name for my plain that makes it sound less... dark. 

Speaking of meeting Niki! I'm going to have to inform a certain human guest of mine that I will be gone tomorrow.

Maybe then he won't act as shy...

No! It will all work out.

I think to myself as I open a heavy door.

~Skeppy's pov~

Ugh! My cloak is so fucking loud! It's a miracle he hasn't noticed me struggling to follow him by now.

Can demons get lost in though?

On the topic of miracles, it's also also a miracle I haven't lost him by now in this labyrinth of a building, as a practically have to speed walk to even keep him in my sight.

Glancing around a corner, I watch the tall figure open a large wooden door, and enter a room. A room I could have sworn I entered the other day.

I slowly creep towards the open door and peer inside the large room.

I knew I had entered this room the other... day..? Does the concept of time even exist here, or do you just sleep when you feel tired and wake up when you do.

It was the room full of neat planters, full of a dark sand and an unfamiliar crimson plant. A crimson plant that Bad seemed to be selectively harvesting, as he hummed a soft melody to himself.

For how terrifying he looks, that is actually kind of cute...

Wait! What am I thinking!

I facepalm, hard. I can't afford to think like that! I could get myself killed... Again...

"Oh, hello! I almost didn't see you there."

I snap my head up to see the demon had crouched down to appear less menacing by trying to get to my hight. It just doesn't work.

A wave of nervousness washes over me as I stare into his milky white eyes.

"I forgot to say this yesterday, it probably would have been a bad time anyways, but I like your funny box!" He complements, giving me a warm smile that calmed my nerves ever so slightly.

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