Capter 9: Lava pool

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~Skeppy's pov~

"Swimming? But this is the first time I've seen water is this hellhole." I say as I motion towards the pool of water in the center of the room.

"First off, Language! Second, who said anything about water?"

I give Bad a confused look... that he probably didn't see because of my box.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, muffin-head! I'll show you!" Bad exclaims, as he begins walking towards the door. 

The two of us leave the room, Bad leading the way, still holding the glowing bottles. It seems that he is purposely walking rather slowly so that I can keep up. Fucking giant.

Focus Zak. You cannot just trust him blindly. You are going to get yourself into trouble.

But he hasn't done anything but be kind to you...

SO?! Why does it matter?! He is a demon. Demons are bad, demons hurt and use people.

God, my head hurts from all this inner turmoil.

I look at Bad, who seemed to have a grin on his face.

He seems so happy...

Wait, no. I cannot have a soft spot for a demon who is basically twice my fucking height. 

Still, taking to him made me feel a little less alone in this burning landscape... even if he isn't human.

"Sooooo," I began to ask a question, attempting to start a conversation, "Have you ever been to Earth?"

Bad glanced at me for a moment, before continuing to walk.

"The mortal plain? Nope."


I'm a little taken aback by his answer. 

"Yes, really. As the groundskeeper of this purgatory, I am prohibited to leave." Bad sighs, almost as if he was slightly saddened by his own answer.

"Oh... Well... What's stopping you..?"

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you that. I'm truly sorry."

I blink a few times behind my box, processing everything while my new boots make small noises as I struggle to match the slow demon's pace. I hope I get faster while I'm here.

"Well, off topic, but you do have magic, right? I mean, it has to take magic to brew those potions, and demons always have magic in, like, every story ever." I try to ease some of the tension, plus, I have been wondering this for quite some time. 

"Yes and no." Bad answers sharply, as he leads me down a spiral stair case that I didn't even know existed.


Bad sighs again, before slowly answering.

"Yes, I have magic. No, it doesn't take magic to brew potions. And how can demons have magic in every story ever? I'm the only one and I've never been to 'Earth'"

The last two sentences were laced with confusion, which I guess is reasonable.

The rest of our descent was spent in an awkward silence, again, kind of understandable.

I still can't trust him though... Right..?

We reach the bottom of the agonizingly long staircase, too which I find a single door, a door that Bad unlocks and pushes open.

A wave of burning heat rushes in through the now open door, as the glow of lava pours into the tiny room.

"After you." Bad gestured towards the door.

After a few moments of me not moving towards the hellish outdoors, he shrugged before going through the door himself. Only then did I follow him.

We were left on a stony ledge, right on the edge of the lava river that surrounds the fortress. 

"So... What did you want to show me?" I nervously ask Bad, feeling slightly unsafe by the lava.

"One moment..." Bad mutters as he unclipped his cloak, hanging it on the massive door. It seemed strange to just seen him in his long red-trimmed tunic, without his hood and cape. But that wasn't all. He then began to unfasten his tunic, to which I glance away. 

I don't know, what was I expecting?


I slowly turn back to the demon to see that he also had an undershirt on, a sleeve-less, turtleneck. Like any other undershirt, it was tight, and was dark grey to match the rest of his clothes.

I really don't know what I was thinking, and I can feel my face, once again, heat up from embarrassment.

After Bad pulled off his boots, only his slightly baggy pants and undershirt remained.

"Alright, this is the fun part Skeppy." Bad smirked, as he set one of the bottles down, and handed one of the remaining two to me.

I watched as he raised the bottle over him, and then smashed it down on his head, setting off an orange glow that lasted a few seconds before settling in.

Before I could say anything, Bad bolted into the lava, vanishing below the surface of the bubbling substance.

Again, before I registered what had just happened, Bad's head popped out from below the lava a few feet away. He grinned to me as he called,

"Okay, you're turn!"

Looking at the bottle in my hands, I question whether this is a good idea or not. Actually, are there really any great ideas that lead me to this moment anyway?

I shattered the glass bottle over my box. Instantly, the burning temperature from the lava seemed to simmer down, almost as if it had completely disappeared. 

Then, I slowly and cautiously make my way towards the lava, still wearing all of my clothes.

What I wasn't ready for was the drop-off a literal foot into the usually burning substance.

I hear Bad's giggle as I tumble into the lava lake, which doesn't amuse me. I can see why Bad took his cape off, it creates quite a bit of unwanted drag.

Once I get my balance back in the thick liquid, I scoop up a handful of the stuff and hurl it at the giggling demon, causing him to yelp as the ball of magma hits him.

"sGeppy!" He cries out as he wipes the goo off his face and out of his hair.

"Did I hear you right, or did you just call me 'Geppy'?" It's my turn to giggle at the embarrassed demon. That is, before he returns fire with another ball of magma.

"Oh, It is On!"

~Author time~

Okay, I think this one turned out okay. 

I hope you all enjoy reading! Everything you guys are doing means a lot.

How are you doing lovelies?

Make sure to take proper care of yourselves! You all matter!

Anyways, stay safe and hydrated!


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