Chapter 20: Jewels and Diversion

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~Skeppy's pov~

I sit on the large throne, in the room where Bad and I first met.

Bad had to carry me back because the exhaustion gnawing at my body was unbearable.

I hadn't even felt tired before... the incident...

Even so, I force myself to sit up straight, as I hear footsteps approach the room.

The large door opens with a loud creak as Bad re-entered the room. He walked straight across the room, only stopping at the foot of the throne. The look on his face was completely unreadable.

He was surprisingly calm about this whole situation. Like I didn't just cause an earthquake with my bare hand. Allegedly.

"Alright Skeppy," He started as he kneeled down "I contacted Niki. Unfortunately, she cannot meet with us today, however, she has agreed to meet us at the border tomorrow. I have not informed her of our situation yet, as I feel you should be present for that."

When he finished speaking, the room was filled by a hollow silence. It just seem to drag on forever...

"...Do you have a crown?"


"I mean... I am sitting on a throne, and every king needs a crown."

Bad gave me a look, and then sighed as he looked at the ground in almost a disappointed fashion.

"Whaaat?! Am I not your king?" I ask in a taunting manner, completely throwing the previous subject out the window.

Bad looked back to me, because the throne was on a raised platform, I was around his height while he was kneeling, even while I was seated.

"No, Skeppy, I guess you can be the king for now, and if his majesty requires a crown, I shall get him one." Bad replied in a joking tone as he stood up, once again towering over me. "But after that, we are going to talk about what happened back there."

He seemed to wait for me to say something, as I blinked up at him.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Fetch."

"Oh my goodness..." Bad muttered as he walked away, leaving the room once again.

As soon as I hear the click of the door, I let myself... deflate. 

Everything is going wrong. There is no way I'm the one who did that, I don't know why Bad thinks it was me.

Regardless of that, I really don't want to talk about what happened with the soul, or the magic. Even though I had gotten over the shock of what had happened, I still don't want to bring it up. Surely if we talk about that, Bad will bring up the box...

I know that Bad has done nothing but give me reasons to trust him... I do trust him! I'm just... not quite ready to show anyone... or even accept it myself.

My plan is simplistic, but should work; keep Bad distracted until I fall asleep. If that is at all possible, that is my idle situation.

I push myself back up straight, only having a few moments to spare before Bad entered, carrying a large crown with a black frame, and brilliant crimson jewels.

He walked straight up to the throne, and then paused to bow, only to straighten up in a flustered manner.

"Sorry! My habits get to me." He apologized frantically.

I snicker at both his habits and his embarrassed apology. I really am going to be treated like a king while I sit on this throne, huh?


If there is a throne, and crowns, does that make Bad a king?

If Bad is a king, I don't know what I'd think. It just seems too easy to tell him to do stuff.

Speaking of Bad, he cleared his throat to grasp my attention.

Looking up at him, he holds the crown out. I bow my head forward, and Bad begins to place it on my covered head.

It looked almost three sizes too big for me... That's confirmed when it spilled past my box and went all crooked on my box, only staying up because it caught on one of the corners of the box.


He sighed, simply at how I said his name! How rude.

"I'm hungry Bad!"

He actually looked surprised at that statement, which caught me off guard. To be absolutely fair, it is the first time I have felt normal in a while.

"Souls need to eat?" He questioned, "Aren't you already dead?"

"Yeah, yeah. But I am hungry, so let go cook something. Unless the only thing you know how to make is muffins." I tease as I get up and walk past him. Maybe this will work... Just take the bait Bad...

"What..?Wait, No! That's not how this works!" 

"What's the matter? I am the king after all. You should do as I say, BadBoyNoob."

Bad's face was just a mixture of confusion and annoyance at this point.

"Hold on Skeppy. You're being such a little brat right now-"

"Baaaaad! Come on!" I cut him off as I open the heavy door and begin to leave the room.

It doesn't take long for Bad to follow me out.

"You are being such a muffin head right now Skeppy."

"Sure, now, where is the kitchen..?"

~Author time~

Yep, this chapter and the next chapter most likely are going to be fillers.

Honestly, I still can't get over how good the last chapter turned out. There was no way this chapter was going to top that.

Anyways, how are you lovelies doing?

It's late for me, so I'm going to be heading off to sleep in a bit.

On that note, sleep well darling, make sure to stay safe and take care.


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