Chapter 6: Friend or Foe?

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~Zak's pov~

I let out a shuddering breath as the being kneeled down to my height, or at least, it tried to. Even kneeling, it was still taller than me by quite a bit.

"I'll ask again," it said in a voice a bit too high pitched to match it's appearance, "Who are you, and why are you here?"

"Um... well... uh..."

I sound stupid, but this is terrifying. What does it want me to say? Wait, no, I know what it wants me to say, but I'm just exhausted, scared, and in quite a bit of hellish pain that I have been trying to ignore.

"Okay, I'll go first then." It started, "My name is BadBoyHalo, and I am the sole groundskeeper of this plain. Great! You're turn!"

I gulp, trying to gather my thoughts.

What kind of a name is that..?

The being blinked its milky eyes at me a few times expectantly, tilting its head slightly.

Come on, think! I really don't want to get more hurt, or really tell it that much. Who knows what it can do?

"Um... My name is... Skeppy! Yeah, my name is Skeppy, an I am... a human... who sent myself here against all better judgment..."

The demon... Badboyhalo, that's what he said his name was, seemed very surprised at that, and... maybe slightly happy... which scares me a bit...

Bad, which is what I am electing to call it now, began to reach out with one of their taloned hands for my box.

I quickly, without thinking, slapped its hand to stop them from seeing the mutations I was hiding. Surprisingly... he... gave me a soft look and drew his hand back, making no further movements to remove my box.

A look of realization seemed to cross his face, as he shook his head.

"Oh my goodness, you must be tired! I have no idea how long you've been here, but you look awful. Come, mortal, I will show you to a room."

The demon stood up and gestured towards the door behind me. At this point, I'm just too tired to argue, regardless how much fear had built up inside of me. Plus, I'm already stuck here, with no way out. If this thing is going to do anything to me, it's not like I can stop it either way.

I slowly nod and step out of the way. Once he passes me, I begin to follow him towards what would be my room.

Let's just hope it won't be a dungeon that will be used to make me suffer the consequences of my action more.

~Bad's pov~

A human? Who sent themself here, willingly? That's simple unheard of...

I begin to lead to small, human soul to one of the vacant rooms upstairs, barely able to contain my excitement.

But it's true! There is a human who was brought here willingly! One I don't have to contain or torment! One soul who is actually conscious!

Maybe this is it... I can finally have a friend... Maybe now things won't be so lonely down here... I feel like I've been alone for so long...

Actually, no. I can't think like that! This mortal didn't know what he was doing when he made a choice, he clearly doesn't want to be here and is certainly terrified...

I can't be happy about this... I shouldn't be... but I am, and that is selfish...

I help the tiny person up the stairs, though, he seems to flinch every time I make a move towards him... which makes my heart sink...

I guess I can't help my appearance, and if he is going to be staying here, he is going to have to either warm up to me... or avoid me entirely...

I shake my head a second time to get rid of all my thoughts as we approach the room.

"This shall be your room, Skeppy, enjoy your rest. As the groundskeeper, I'll be around if you need me."

The human barely even acknowledged what I said as he scurried into the room, and quickly shut the door.

I return to my room, and slowly shut the door before sinking to the ground.

He hates me already... which I can understand from his perspective... but it still hurts...

I gather myself up before deciding I've had enough for today, and began getting ready for bed.

~Author time!~

I know, It's been a while since I've posted.

How are you doing Lovelies? Are you taking care of yourselves?

I've been traveling quite a bit, and have been unable to write.

Even then, this chapter is kind of short, and I'd like to apologize for that.

Still, make sure to hydrate and get enough sleep lovelies, remember that you matter!

Take care!

~A Final Choice~ (Skephalo)Where stories live. Discover now