Chapter 5: A fortress of Doom

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~Zak's pov~

~Present time~

Okay, so I should note that wearing a box on my head while walking through hell... probably wasn't the best idea...

I continue my march through the scorching landscape, sweat dripping down my now covered face as I stared at the ground.

I hate this... why did I make such a dumb choice..?

I ask myself that quite frequently now, don't I?

The land had slightly changed in the few... miles..? I've walked.

The land was now entirely stone and magma, and had grown slightly darker as the shadows stretched from the pillars of basalt, only fueled by the cracks in the earth that should be destroying them.

My new accessory didn't help either, as it restricted much of my vision. To top everything off, I was also so tired, that if I fell asleep, it would be years before I woke up. So.. very tired...

No! You can't fall asleep now! There has to be something here to find! There... has to be... I can't... just be alone...

The loud pop of lava snapped me out of my daze, bringing my attention to the sound of what was in front of me, excepting to have almost fallen into a lava pool.

But I hadn't, in fact, far from it.

Towering over me, stood a brilliant, but slightly worn down, castle of reddish black bricks.

A lone, wide bridge seemed to lead to the entrance, the only way to get over the canyon that surrounded the magnificent, intimidating building, a canyon with magma at the bottom, and lava spilling in from random points in the roof of the cavern above.

I was, to put it simply, taken aback by the massive structure. I had been almost sure that I had lied to myself about not being the only thing here, and to find this by walking in a straight line for who knows how long... that seems almost impossible.

None the less, I was fascinated, and a little bit nervous... But mostly curious!

I stepped onto the bridge, making sure to take in everything about my surroundings as I walked towards the open entrance.

Figures this place is abandoned, right? I mean, I haven't seen any other somewhat living thing while being here, and the place is slightly damaged, as in, not well kept.

I ran my left hand over the arch-like doorframe as I entered the fortress, my shoes grateful for the break from the harsh terrain.

I began down a hallway, exploring each room I came crossed careful, ignoring the exhaustion that was gnawing at me from... days... of walking.

One of the first things I noticed was that it was slightly cooler in the fortress, which was a good break form the heat outside.

Rooms began to pile up. There was a large throne room, though, it looks as if it has been a while since it had been last used and a ball room that could hold hundreds. There was another room that an unfamiliar crimson plant was growing in arranged planters full of dark sand, a room with hundreds of unfamiliar and grossly familiar items, such as spider eyes, and another room with a large dinning table, but the elegant chairs scattered and strewn around on the floor, some were even broken.

But finally, I came across several bedrooms, each looked completely unused, but still a bit strange in their own way.

Between all the rooms, hallways, grand stairways, and what-not, everything seemed rather clean and devoid of dust.

I came to a final room at the end of a hall. There was still another floor, but I feel too tired to climb another set of stairs, I already did that twice! I grab the doorknob and let myself into the room, just as I had done to every room before.

However, this room was different. This room was by far the largest, and had a huge bed, at least twice the size of a king, and likely larger.

There were cloaks scattered around the floor, and the room was decorated with small trinkets that didn't seem to serve any purpose.

But one of the most terrifying things wasn't the bottles of glowing liquid on the desk and floor, it was a massive sword on a chest at the end of the bed. A sword so big, no human could ever use it.

I suddenly feel as if I am not meant to be here, and slowly close the door and back away from the room.

Was this a bad idea..?

I slowly return to the first floor throne room, still a bit nervous, but also to admire the beauty of the palace-like building.

I turn back to the large door that I had used to enter the room, but stopped with the knob half turned.

No way... I didn't just hear steps behind me... that only happens in horror movies...

I hesitantly turn to see what the noise behind me was. What I am met with makes me back into the door, my back fully pressed against the cool surface.

Standing in front of me, was a dark figure that was at least nine feet tall, with milky white eyes, and long horns that pointed up towards the ceiling. It tilted its head as it examined me, and I could feel myself start to shake under its gaze.

The figure had an almost human-ish build, although it was freakishly tall, and had skin and hair the color of the night sky. This appearance was only made more terrifying by its claw-like fingernails on it's one exposed hand, that was near it's face, and the fact that beneath its cloak that had a red trim, it had appeared to have a sheathed sword...

I gulp as it blinked a few times in complete silence. 

I decide that regardless of what I do, I'm screwed. I manage to stutter a question to the being.

"Who...- What are you...?"

It took a moment to consider before answering.

"Who am I? Who are you?! And what is something like you doing here?"

~Author time bby!~

I did it guys, BBH has entered the picture!

I am really enjoying writing this, so I would like to say, I hope you are enjoying reading this!

I'm trying to write as much as I can this week, because next week I'm going on a country vacation with my family (that I really don't want to go on), and won't be able to update this for like a week.

I hope you all are doing great, and remember to hydrate lovelies!

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