Chapter 12: A Dark History

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~Skeppy's pov~

I wake up tangled in the sheets of my bed, still wearing my box.

This place drains my energy from me, I swear.

It was fun hanging out with Bad yesterday though, never in a million years would I have though I would have swam in lava.

Rolling off my bed, I manage to pull half the covers off my mattress. Great.

What should I do today? Bad's not going to be here to entertain me... So I think I'm just going to explore this castle again! Surely there are some rooms I didn't go in...

That's when it hits me. There is another staircase leading up that I didn't investigate on my first day here because I was too tired!

There could be another floor of secrets waiting for me to investigate them!

Surely Bad won't mind, right? I mean, this is my home now.

I quickly rummage through my room, checking for any clothes that may have been left in here.

Sure enough, the dresser and closet were both stuffed full of old clothes, that looked as if they hadn't been touched in more than a century. None of it was my style, or even somewhat modern.

Where the hell is my demon when I need him.



I did not just refer to him as 'my demon'! Fuck!

Facepalming at my own stupidity, I sigh.

I hardly trust him, and now my stupid brain wants to go "Oh Ske-... Oh Zak, he is the best! We should give him more trust." Like he isn't a fucking demon.

And I almost referred to myself as Skeppy! That just proves that my brain isn't working properly! Skeppy isn't my name...

Maybe it's because I've been called Skeppy for a few days... It may be starting to stick...

Ugh, enough of that.

I dig through piles of clothes, a majority of them looking way too big for me.

After a bit of consideration, I finally decide on a slightly big, grey tunic, that had long sleeves, though, there was a hole in the forearm of one of them. Nothing that exposed my diamond mutations though.

I couldn't find any pants that would fit me, so I just decided to wear the same pants as I was wearing yesterday, and ask Bad for a new pair when he gets back. Of course, I'm still wearing my box, boots, cloak, and gloves.

Thinking about the previous day to try and retrace my steps so I wouldn't get lost, I remember something.

Didn't Bad say he had a gift for me?

Looking around my room, my eyes land on something shiny on my desk. 

I run over to find a sword laying on my desk, still sheathed. It's silver handle had a dazzling blue diamond on it... I think... I don't really know what stone that is.

It had a small note attached to it.

Just incase of an emergency. I'll teach you how to properly handle it sometime.

-Bad <3

Did he actually add a heart to the end of his letter? Why..?

You know what, don't question it.

I make my way to my door, leaving my room and trying to navigate my way to the staircase I swear I saw a few days ago.

After what felt like hours of walking in circles, I finally located the stairs.

~A Final Choice~ (Skephalo)Where stories live. Discover now