Chapter 33: Finally

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~Skeppy's pov~

"I'll take that, actually."

Another, unfamiliar voice echoed out, as green threads wrapped around the antidote Bad had offered XD, pulling it away from everyone.

I, like everyone else, look over to see another figure wearing green. Her mask had a smile scribbled on it, and her long, dirty blonde hair peaked past it and her hood in several places. There was no way she looked any older than twelve.

Just behind her stood Wilbur, who looked a bit shaken up.

"I-I did it Niki! I got her!" Wil called out, remaining behind the girl.

Niki nodded to him, a proud look on her face.

"Really, XD? I left Tommy with Punz for this?" the girl asked distastefully, clutching the cure.

"You left Tommy with Punz?!" XD yelled past his misery, seeming freaked out.

The girl just shrugged.

"Yeah, I gave Punz one of my rings, and he agreed to watch Tommy, so that I could come out here to resolve a conflict that should have never happened in the first place." She then cast a glance over at Bad. "But I guess I wasn't as severally needed at they said I was. Good work, demon."

Bad just nodded at the remarks, before attempting to question her.

"Why do you need the cure?" He asked, as she shoved past him, lifting XD to his feet and leaning him against her shoulder.

"Because, if I have it, it will insure that he will come home, instead of immediately trying to kill you again. I apologize for our king's and my brother's behavior by the way. I'll be sure to make it up to you, on behalf of our kingdom." She finished, pulling a vial of a rainbow-ish liquid from her belt.

"This will cover your lost time, right?" She asked Bad, holding it out to him.

Bad immediately snatched the bottle up, examining it thoroughly, before bowing to her, slipping the vial away.

"What is that?" I ask, looking over to Bad.

"It's an elixir of life. An other questions?" The girl answered for Bad, rocking back and forth on her feet.

"Yes, actually. Who the hell are you you?!" I shout at her. Niki had begun to quickly pull away from me to pick Wil up and follow her, leaving me to figure out how to balance on my own as she walked away, simply waving back to me.

I'm just confused on how she just magically came in, did things, and now is going to leave?Without anyone questioning her?

"You don't, by chance, have a regeneration potion, do you?" Bad asked, looking down at his shattered left arm.

"The name's Drista, and I'm sure this isn't the last time we will see each other. I also, unfortunately, do not have a re-gen potion. Sorry"

After making the statement, she began to drag her seemingly older brother, before getting tired of that.

"You know what..."

She pulled a grey potion from her belt and poured it directly onto the crack in XD's mask. The angry god of chaos let out a loud hissing sound as the liquid dripped down onto his face, before he seemingly disappeared

"Where'd he go?!" I panic slightly at the disappearing act. This one wasn't funny, like the ones you see street performers do.

The girl, Drista, held out her hands. That's when I noticed a small... almost blob-like thing in her palms. It was white, with two halos, and a small pair of wings. Oh yeah, and had a large XD plastered on what looks like its head.

No way... That can't be XD...

She giggled slightly, before nodding to Niki. The two of them, plus Wil, waved to us, before proceeding on their walk back to their homes.

Bad and I then watched silently as the four of them crossed the border, and proceeded to disappear into the fog, vanishing from sight.

"What happened to XD?" I ask Bad, once I'm sure they're gone.

"I think that's one of his morphs." Bad answered, kneeling before me.

He then reached out with his uninjured arm, poking at the diamond studs on my forehead.

"Awww, Skeppy, you have horns!"

"Yeah... I know..." 

Is he upset at all? He has to be. I hid them from him, when he would have understood what it was like better than anyone.

"They're so small..." Bad purred.

"Yeah... and uneven."

I glance away, still feeling a bit insecure about the jewels. They make me feel...odd.

As I stare at the ground, Bad moved his hand from my forehead, to the side of my face, directing my gaze into his soft eyes.

"I think they're beautiful."

We stood there for a moment, his warm smile comforting me, whilst he held my shimmering face in his hand.

After all that had happened, it felt good to have this moment. Just the two of us. Exactly how it had all started.

He drew his arm away after a few minutes.

I dart forward, wrapping my arms around him, and burying my face into his tunic. 

I never want to let him go, ever again.

"Are you alright..?" I mumble, feeling his one good arm return the hug.

"I'm fine, silly! It's all okay... It's over now..." 

Happy tears began to roll down my face at Bad's soft reassurance. All the stress and fear that once held me seemed to vanish as we stood on the platform.

"Do you want to go home, Skeppy?"

I pull away slightly. Just enough to look up at him.

"Yeah... I'd like that a lot."

~A Final Choice~ (Skephalo)Where stories live. Discover now