Chapter 15: The More you Know...

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~Skeppy's pov~

I pant heavily as I lay on the sidelines, my sword laying beside me.

How long have we been practicing? This is fucking hard...

We had to have been practicing for at least... fourteen hours, right?

I turn my head over to Bad, who was swinging his sword around in the center of the room.

Does he just not get tired?


He immediately stops swinging his blade, and turns to look over at me.


I push myself up, and then proceed to lift my sore arms up to make grabby hands. 

Bad sighs as he walks over and sits down next to me, laying his sword down on the other side of himself.

After a moment of consideration, I lay my head down on one of his legs and look up at him.

"What are you doing?" Bad asked, seeming rather confused as he tapped my box with one of his fingers.

"Baaaad, I don't wanna practice anymore." I pout, not breaking eye contact with the demon.

"Okay! You don't have to be like that muffin head."

Bad had a few cuts on his hands from when I didn't listen to him very well, and he stood near me. So he also had a reason for not wanting to practice! I mean, that and the fact that he has probably been doing this all his life.

"What's it like being a demon?"I ask after a long moment of silence.

The small smile he had been wearing disappeared from his face.

"It can be difficult sometimes..."

 It took Bad almost a minute to answer my question. Was this a touchy subject? Did I just screw up?

However, like all the other time I did something like this, his bright smile resurfaced, as he gasped.

"Skeppy, this is a great idea! We should get to know a bit about each other!"

"That will be a bit difficult, because I don't remember that much!" I giggled as I playfully reached up for his hand, without lifting my head.

"Oh muffins, I forgot about that." Bad seemed to take a moment to think. "So, what's it like being human?"

I shrug. As a haunting thought grasps me once again.

Am I even human anymore..? Do the mutations I have that Bad is still unaware of change anything?

"I may not remember much about being alive, but I'm fairly happy as a human here." 

Part of it feels like a lie, but if anything is the truth, it's that I am indeed happy here. The answer seemed to make Bad happy as well, so no harm can come of it.

"That's great! I don't know very much about humans or what makes them happy, so I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

A second thought comes to me, a question that I didn't ask yesterday because of fatigue.

"Bad, why aren't you allowed to go to earth?"

Everything seemed to freeze, as Bad's smile fades once again. Time stood still as seconds dragged by, seconds that get like hours, as Bad still didn't respond.

"Hey... I'm sorry... You don't have to answer that." 

The overwhelming feeling of guilt washed over me. I definitely said something wrong that time.

"No, it's fine," Bad sigh, "I should tell you."

"No Bad, you really don't have to."

"No Skeppy, I really should tell you before something bad happens."

Bad looked at the floor, sighing to himself once again.

"When I was younger, I was allowed to go to earth, just like everyone else. Heaven.. Kinda a different story, and one for another time. However, everything changed when XD tried to get my lord caught up in a deal. He threatened to destroy the Nether as a whole, unless she made a deal with him. I stepped in, and made my own deal with him to save my lord from getting caught in a deal she couldn't afford to make. Thus, I am no longer allowed to travel anywhere outside of the Nether, for as long as I live, or I shall face XD's wrath."

Bad finished his long rant, and then looked down to me.

I was actually very confused, and shocked. I don't understand half of what he just said.

"Who is XD..?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"XD is the extremely violent god of chaos, son of the goddess of life if I'm not mistaken." Bad responded, while shaking his head. "Oh, and speaking of people, I have to meet Niki at the border in a week. I was wondering, would you like to come and meet her?" he asked, the thought of that seeming to cheer him up.

"Sure!" I exclaim, a bit too much excitement in my voice.

"Okay, now I have a question for you, you little muffintop. Why did you choose to come to the Nether?" Bad asked curiously.

"You mean hell?"

"Aye! No! This place is the Nether."

I giggled as the demon aggressively corrected me. What is his issue with cursing?

"I mean... I don't even know. I just didn't want to be pressured into doing something, or, like, I was curious..?"

That last statement sounded so unsure, but Bad still seemed to think long and hard about it before perking up and turning back to me.

"Okay, I think that's enough for today. Let get to our rooms and get some sleep." 

"Noooooooo! I don't wanna get up!"

"Too bad you little potato! Now get your head off me so I can move!" Bad somewhat shouted, though, he didn't seem angry.

"Oh, I get it. If I don't get up, you won't be able to."

"No Skeppy, I could get up still. I just won't because that's rude. So get up!" 

"Well maybe I don't want us to move." I tease.

Bad didn't seem to like that, but he simply turned his head away.

"Get up, you muffin."

"... No. We will sleep here tonight.."

"... Really Skeppy..?"

~Author time!~

Hello darlings! How are you doing on this day in time.

There will most likely be a few more filler chapters to get them through their week, like this one.

Most of which will be short. (Like this one)

There will also be more memes.

However, I do think this one had a bit of relevance though, so keep that in mind.

Anyways, Take care lovelies!

Make sure to stay safe and hydrated!


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