Chapter 14: When Blades Clash.

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~Bad's pov~

My thoughts begin to overwhelm me again as I approach my fortress.

I tried to stay strong and play it off for a moment there, but I think it's time to face the facts.

There is no way I get away with that.

XD doesn't forget things, he just watches, and waits, and remembers.

This definitely isn't the last I'm going to be seeing of him. No one know how stubborn he can be, except... Literally everyone.

If you are an angel, or a god, or a gatekeeper, or a demigod, because we apparently have a few of those now, you just know. There is no winning when it come to him.

I just need to get inside and find Skeppy. Hopefully he didn't do anything stupid.

As much as XD wants Skeppy, he would never come to the Nether, I don't believe he would if he had the choice.

Deep breaths Bad...

Just get inside...

~Skeppy's pov~

I probably have been sitting in this coroner for hours trying to figure this book out.

It is written in a complete different language, one that I can't seem to recognize as human, but it has small, hand written notes in all different kinds of human languages.

A few of pointless ones I can read, but there doesn't seem to be much important stuff. Except for the drawings. The drawings were interesting because they all depicted demons and violence.

But with context those could mean anything.

Did I mention I hate reading?

Should I just give up on this? I'm only, like, halfway through the book and I can't even understand half of it.

"Oh, Skeppy~"

A large finger tilts the book down, and I'm left staring into Bad's eyes.

"How'd it go?" I ask, as I set the heavy book to the side. How did I even manage to carry it over here in the first place..?

Bad took a moment to respond. He looked like he was actually trying to decide for himself.

"I think it went okay..." 

His voice trailed off as he looked over to the book I had been attempting to read.

I follow his gaze, before he snaps out of his little trance.

"Sooo, would you like to do something together for the last few hours of the day?" he asks in an excited tone, his tail flicking from side to side.


"Did you see the gift I left for you?"


"Let's go get it real quick. Then I can begin to show you how to use it."

My eyes lit up, though, I'm not sure if he could tell because of my box.

"That sounds awesome."


After we grabbed my beautiful sword, Bad began to lead me through the maze of a building once again.

How does anyone memorize their way around this place, every hallway looks the same. 

We make our way to an open area... The ballroom! It hardly looks like a ballroom anymore, but it still had a slight, elegant structure to it.

"So Skeppy, draw your sword, like this."

I turn my attention back to Bad, who was standing a few feet away, and watch as he draws his insanely cool sword from its sheath. The blade seemed to be a dark purple color, and was huge. I probably wouldn't be able to hold it without falling.

I may be imagining things... but is it glowing slightly..?

Copying his movements, I draw my silver blade. I try my best to hold it as evenly as he does.

"Alright now that I have my blade, what are we going to be practicing on?" I ask, excited to learn how to properly duel.

Bad's response is... staring past my box, directly into my eyes.

"Bad... No!"

Bad points his blade at me once, and then draws it away and smirks.

"Come at me Skeppy."

I blink a few times before lowering my sword, shaking my head.

"Bad, I don't want to hurt you." Sternness creeps into my voice, giving me an edge.

But regardless, Bad giggles at my response.

"Oh Skeppy, you have made a grave error if you think you will even touch me." 

His confident smirk was almost chilling. It was almost as if this was the most demonic he had ever looked.

Something about that made me change my mind. I don't know what came over me, but I took a step back, and then ran forward, genuinely trying to slash him.

A loud clang echoed around the room, sparks flying to the side, the force taking my sword with it.

The point of a cold, metal blade then pressed just under my chin in less than a moment, and I was left looking up at my only friend in this hell scape.

The seriousness plastered on his face sent shivers down my spine, that is, until he lowered the sword and grinned.

"Aha! Get muffined!" He laughed, as he embraced his small victory.

Meanwhile, I'm over here trying to recover my soul from that fucking terrifying experience.

After a few moments, Bad's face seemed to soften.

"We can go over that a few more times if you'd like. I could help point out what was wrong with your approach! I mean, it's all up to you." Bad smiled.

Even after something like that, his smile always manages to get to me.

"Yeah. Yeah I'd like that a lot."

~Author time!~

I may be slacking on updates, but my school year starts tomorrow, and, as a result, I've been very busy.

This chapter may seem a bit short, but trust me, everything that is happening, there is a reason for it.

I think this chapter turned out okay though, for the most part.

Anyways, I think that's about all for tonight. As always, I appreciate the support!

Take care and stay hydrated lovelies!


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