Chapter 24: Niki

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~Skeppy's pov~

A wall of smoke stood before us. Bad had told me that it was the border, but my ears seemed to tune everything out.

I was about to meet Bad's other friend. That alone was enough to overwhelm me, along the pain in my feet from walking several miles over the course of a few hours.

I was practically sweating under my box, from both nervousness and exhaustion!


Bad had knelt down beside me, placing one of his hands on my shoulder.

"Are you sure you are ready to meet her? If this is too much for you, you do not have to come with me."

Looking back to the smoke, I take a deep breath.

"No, I want to meet her..."

"Alright, then there is a few thing you should probably know about her." He said, a note of seriousness edged his voice. "First, Niki's first language, like most angels, is the angelic tongue. I do not expect you to be able to understand her one hundred percent of the time, only letting you know that it's okay to say something if she defaults to it at some point. I most likely won't notice. English is both of our third languages."

He gave me a moment to process everything he had just told me, only continuing when I nodded my understanding.

"Next, Niki doubles as a guardian angel, and therefore may have to leave during our meeting. However, this means you can talk to her about earth. I don't know how long it's been since she has been there, so do not expect her to be up to date on anything you remember."

Once again, he gave me a moment before continuing.

"Finally, you don't have to prepare yourself for some wild appearance. She is actually far more human looking than I am. I say this because I've met some angels who are literally just rings and eyes, or just wings. Trust me though, Niki is one of the sweetest, most kind people you will ever meet."

I just blink at him blankly.

"No way."


"There is no way she could ever be the most kind people I will ever meet. Because how could anyone ever compete with you?"

Bad looked flattered at me remark, grinning before standing up, turning back to the wall of smoke.

"Are you ready Skeppy?" He asked, offering me a hand.

I take his hand, grateful that he was going to lead me through the blinding smoke.

"Yes Bad. I'm ready."

With that, we began to walk through the heavy, smoke-like fog.

I began to hold my breath, this stuff is not pleasant to breathe in to say the least.

After a few more minutes of walking, we arrived on what seemed to be a marble platform, surrounded by golden railings.

Near the center of the platform, knelt a beautiful girl with her back turned to us. 

Bad dropped my hand, waiting a moment before calling out to her.


The girl, Niki, moved one of her pristine, white wings to look over at Bad, revealing her inhumanly gorgeous face.

"Bad!" She responded in a heavily accented voice, as she stood up and slowly began to walk over to us.

She seemed to greet Bad in a language I didn't understand. To my surprise, Bad responded in the same language, just as fluently as she had been talking.

That's when all attention turned to me.

"Aww, he really does wear a silly box on his head!" Niki said in her accented voice.

"Y-yeah I do!" I stumble over my words just being in the presence of her. 

She was tall. Not like Bad's level of tall, but pushing seven feet for sure.

"He's adorable, just like you said he would be!"

I snap my head up to Bad, who covered his face with both of his hands in a panic.

"Nikiiii... I though we agreed we wouldn't talk about that..." Bad murmured through his hands.

"Oh dear, you're right! I'm sorry."

"That's okay..."

Adorable... Adorable?! I am not adorable.

"So you called me here to talk about magic?" She asked, watching carefully as Bad pulled his hands away from his face and regained his composer.

"I did." Bad started, "Niki, is it possible for a human soul to gain the ability to use magic?"

"Um..." Niki seemed to freeze, possibly trying to recall any time that may have happened.

After a few moments of contemplating, she came up with answer.

"No, I don't think so..."

To which Bad nodded. 

I didn't though. I don't like how she answered that question. Something feels... off.

"Can you fly with your wings?" I asked her in a naive tone, like a kid inquiring about something they were fascinated with.

I don't care if Bad finds this kind of behavior usual, I'm going to try to get her to talk.

"Of course dear." Niki said, adjusting her fluffy wings to prove they were in fact real.

"What's heaven like?" 

"It's wonderful."

"Why am I able to use magic when it physically impossible?"


I swear, I thought I had got her, before a soft voice spoke out. A voice I didn't recognize.

"Don't answer that Niki..."

I looked at Bad, who seemed equally surprised at the random voice.

Niki sighed, and tried to salvage the situation by murmuring something in the tongue I didn't understand.

I wasn't having any of that bullshit.

"Who's there?!" I call out to the voice, half drawing the sword I had reattached to my belt this morning. I glance around, trying to find the source of the voice that seemingly came out of nowhere

Everything fell silent for a few moments, before the voice spoke up again. Unlike last time, this time, it was clear the voice was coming from behind Niki, as a small figure peaked out from behind her wing, wearing an unbearable grin.

"You really think I'm scared of a half-trained human holding a sword? Pathetic."

~Author time~

Yes! Two chapters in one day! I feel so accomplished.

I guess that's what happens when you stay home sick.

Anyways, small person, pog? Who is it, tune in next time to find out!

I did already ask how you guys were doing today, but it doesn't hurt to ask again.

How is school going, for all you darling who are still in school.

Anyways, I think I ought to head out.

Have a good day lovelies.

Remember to drink plenty of water.


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