Chapter 7: Figure it out

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~Skeppy's pov~

I wake up in a large bed. For a moment, I almost forgot where I was. That is, almost.

When the realization sets in on me, I groan and roll over, not wanting to get up. The bed was comfortable, much different from all the terrifying and painful things I had experienced for the time that I had been here.

I slowly open my eyes, which are met with the curtains around the bed. I had drawn them shut so I could sleep soundly without worrying about that thing coming in and seeing me without the box on my head.

I could stay in the bed forever, just so I could shut reality out. However, I will not let myself do that.

I slowly push myself up, yawning as I draw the curtain facing away from the door open.

To my surprise, the room looked drastically different than it did when I was previously awake.

The walls, which were once a creamy color, were now a light blue, and some of the junk that had once littered the floor was gone.

As I look around, I notice something on the desk that was at the far side of... my... room.

It was my box, which I had left on the bedside table. It was sat on top of what looked like a stack of neatly folded clothes. Sitting next to them was a bottle full of a glowing red liquid, with a note tied around it.

I began to get off the bed, but the moment I stood up, the pain of my injuries set in on me.

Goddamn it... This is worse than it was yesterday...

I slowly limp over to the desk and first picked up the bottle to read the note.


I would first like to apologize for entering your room, that wasn't the most polite thing for me to do.

However, I did notice that the clothes that you were wearing were rather dirty, and I felt rather bad that you probably had to sleep in them.

The clothes under your funny box are now yours, they wouldn't fit me anyways.

I did make sure to respect your privacy, as I can tell you don't want me to see what you look like. I left the curtains to your bed drawn. But on another note, I hope you slept well.

Finally, you are probably wondering what this glowing substance is, and, well, this may sound odd, but it's a healing potion. If you have any injuries, which I figure you do, regardless if it may be a burn or a cut, just pour a bit of this on it to make it heal. It's difficult to navigate the terrain if you aren't sure what you are doing.

If you need to know anything else, please let me know.


I almost drop the bottle. He came in while I was sleeping... to give me things..?

That doesn't explain why my room looks different, but it does make me a bit confused.

Why would a demon go out of his way to make sure I'm okay? Demons are meant to be horrible creatures, that torment and destroy everything around them!

But... maybe he is different... he seems to be trying...

Wait! No! I can't think like that! He is probably trying to lull me into a false sense of security so that it hurts even more when he turns on me.

I won't let that happen.

None the less, I should probably try the potion he left for me.

What's the worst it could do? Hurt me?

I walk over to a mirror, and pull my hoodie off.

Even in the dim light, the crystals that have been paining me ever since I've arrived seem to sparkle.

I roll up my right sleeve to hold my right hand out in front of me, as it had some of the most concentrated crystals, and therefore hurt really bad. Plus, it's my dominate hand, and I want to be able to use it freely, instead of just using my left hand to do things.

I very carefully uncork the bottle, and slowly pour a drop of the glowing liquid onto my skin.

Almost instantly it begins to take affect, as the pain in my had begins to disappear. With a few more small drops, my hand felt completely normal.

Amazed, I repeat the process for the rest of my injuries. Sure enough, even in the most injured places, it worked just the same as it did on my hand.

Well that's great actually! I can walk properly now.

Although, I am still covered in crystals...

Oh well. They actually look kind of dope now that I think about it.

I then turn my attention to to clothes on my desk.

There was a pair of black pants, and a black tunic-like shirt with a blue trim, plus a long-sleeved undershirt, coupled with a hooded, blue cloak, a belt, and black combat boots with blue laces. To top it all off, my box was a slightly different color, so it matched everything else.

Well... I guess this does look rather cool, however, these look like something you'd see in a movie. I mean, I'm not complaining, but I just feel like this isn't something I'd see everyday.

Honestly, how would I know? I can barely remember what it was like to be human...

I quickly threw on the clothes that were provided for me.

I finished by throwing on my box. I had left the hood of my cloak down, I don't know, I feel like it more like him to have the hood of his cloak up, and I really don't want to look like him.

Okay, now that that's done, I need to figure some things out. For instance, what should I do?

I guess I could explore the grounds a bit more. It seems like a good idea to know where everything is, seeing as though I'm not leaving anytime soon. Outside the fortress is brutal, and, as scary as that demon may be, I really don't want to experience the outside again.

I made my way over to the heavy door to my room, slowly opening it to peer outside.

I could have sworn I saw a certain tail, and red fringe of a cloak at the end of the hall, rounding the corner to go down the stairs.

As much as he terrified me, and as much as I hated the though, I was curious to what he was doing.

So, against all better judgement, I softly shut the door behind me, and begin to follow where I had seen Bad go.

~Author time!~

Okay, I finally got this chapter done. It was really fun to write.

So, how are you guys doing?

I climbed a mountain yesterday, and I'm going on another hike today.

Also, remember to take care of yourselves, lovelies! Make sure to get good sleep, and to stay hydrated/eat enough.

I can't wait to get started on the next chapter, and I am really happy that you guys are enjoying the story. Thank you for all the support, it means a lot.

Anyways, goodbye for now lovelies, until the next chapter!

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