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I am really great full of them , who helped my family that time ....

Good thing that they didn't pity us instead gave us the repay of our hardwork .........

i turned the page and read again 

"beamie baby , i am so happy that when your dad and me is working you are not alone ... there is a boy almost your age or maybe few months older than you , we don't know his name as most of us would call him young master ... and sir, mam calls his baby ... so  i guess he is their son ... and  i really felt like crying when sir and mam cooed after seeing you... they are so down to earth and let you play with young master .... even his toys , moreover they don't show any discrimination between you two ... they even buy you clothes , toy and your fav food ... beamie , i am so happy to see you smiling when you get your  favourites  ... Forgive us na baby that we can't buy you those luxuries .. but we are trying our best ...Hope you always smile like this .."

*drop* *drop*

few of my tears drop on the dairy ....  

i am happy for them to treat me as their son ...

"no mom you never made me cry ... you always made me happy ... "

i turned the page  again ...

"beamie today you became three    ... i am so happy baby , mumma is proud of you son ... you are really my precious gem ... you  never ask anything that young master have ... I am so proud to be your mother baby ... I don't know if you will remember it but today you and young master played house house but you started crying because there is a new girl who said she will play the role  of wife .... you even declared that young master is yours .. You are the only one who will  be his  wife baby , it was so funny to watch but you became happy again when young master and his parents brought you birthday presents "

"hahaha"       i laughed happily ... No, i don't remember it but this incident is helarious ........

i turned the page again ....

"BARAMEE ... YOU IDIOT , do you even know what you did baby ... today you bathe young master in fairness cream ...   and when we asked why you did ...   instead of you young master replied saying that he wants to be pale like you ... and you said this stupid cream will help .......   baby young master get rashes ... and i really don't know from where did you  got that stupid cream .... good thing sir and mam also took this incident as kids play only ....  dam baby young master have so much pores on his face now "

"i am sorry young master "         i mummbled laughingly ... i don't remember this young master guy but looks like he was my best friend.........

"i am sorry son , but please forgive us , today you can't stop crying because you get saparated by young master ...  mam is sick na son and sir admitted her in Itlay for treatment , so young master have to go too .... and it's been hours you are still crying ...  but you have promised to each other that you will not forget the other one ... how i wish you were a girl so you could date young master he is such a caring boy for you "

i don't know why but i  suddenly felt hurt ..........  

i don't know who this young master is but why heart hurts thinking about it 


As soon beam  left the house dad hired a new detective to find out why beam did this to me .... 

and after 5 hours here is a file of beam in my hands ......

 every thing happened to him in this last year is written here .....

and the fact the is i know most of it's everything ......

but not the he broke up  part with Esa and his frequent visit as patient to hospital ........

i  conforted lam too and he send me a video and now i clearly remember what happened that day .......

but the real and the big question is still unanswered  

"why beam did this "

"aaaaarrrrgh"        i get frustrated by thinking about it too

"forth stop now , and you mark (her husband),    you are going to bring beam home  tomorrow .... we have every right on him .... bring him here now ... he need to take his responsibilties now ... he not a kid  anymore ... he should come home and fulfill his duties towards us , towards forth "

"mae"           i said ... or maybe raised  my voice a bit  but mom just glared at me more ......

i am saving beam from last few years so mom won't put so much responsibilites on him and at that time mom understand me but now i don't see  a chance .......

even  dad agrees with mom  this time ....

i don't know how i will tell beam ...

how will he  reacts  ....

it's just too much too throw on his .....

and it's already 2 A.M  means just in few hours beam will be here and i will have my complete family but ..........................

how will i tell him .......

or maybe mom will ................

or as i remember mae said that she have written the truth in her dairy  so in future it could be easy for us to make him understand the situation ........


who is beam to jaturaphooms ??????????????????



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