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Beam's P. O. V

I don't know what is going ... But all I know is my time is limited...

I still remember the day clearly how I planned to make forth suffer but never in my any dream I thought I will fell for him.

I never knew his smile will become my favorite...

And now when I felt my family is completed but within one week I would not be a part of it....

I have to go...

Life played me cruel,  so cruel...

I don't want my last few days to spend in hospital but instead I want it in forth's embrace,  with mom's food and dad's childish joke...

Without me knowing a tear fell from my eyes.  

"beamie are you okay,  love "    I looked at forth who asked me with so much worry in his eyes  ..  ...

We are already at the pent house. ..

I want to go outside and play in beach but I feel weak,  so weak and just want to give up on my body....

"I am fine forth,  "

"if you are fine baby,  how about we go to beach "

'no ' I want to say but can't...

How can you say no to those eyes who are holding such a pure emotion of love for you....

Who just want to send some fun time with you... 

I don't know why but I find myself nodding...

He smiled extending his hands for me to hold.....

I get up with little help and we walked out of the house....

I saw something like ' follow him '  message pop up in his phone....

Which made me anxious....

No matter how much I want to love him...

No matter if I love him....

I can't change it that it all because of this man. ..

It's all because he was with me that day....

If not,  I won't have been attacked..

If not.  then I would have been okay now. .

Maybe we could have started our life differently..

If not him,  things wouldn't be like this...

If not him than his family wouldn't have lost their son.....

If not him,  I wouldn't have said 'yes's to them.....

"baby,  are you okay "    I heard forth breaking my thoughts.....

I looked at him.....

I don't wanted to come outside of room,  I don't want to see him hurt.....

I just looked at him lovingly for the first or maybe for the last time......

"I.. I. ..i love ----"

But before I could complete my words I felt someone forcefully pulled him away from....

'I m sorry forth but you will die with me ' I thought when I see him get punched hardly....


Life have changed,  changed for good...

Now here. At beach I think our relationship will progress more....

After I asked him to go outside at beach shore with me and he agreed,  I messaged p'sen to follow beam...

P'sen is our family doctor....

I  am worried for beam,  he is becoming so much weak , I can't bear the site of him struggling for air when he cough .

And he won't go to doctor so I called p'sen who will meet us at beach and will pretend like stranger and will check at beam saying its a camp or something,  that's on him to decide...

We both went outside...

And suddenly I find him lost in his thoughts and his brows knotted painfully..

So I asked him if he's okay...

He look at me with eyes....

Those eyes which I longed to see for years

"I.. I. ..i love ----" 

But before I could hear him complete his words a strong,  painful punch comes to my cheek...

It took me time to understand what happened ..

I tried to get up with rage burning, without any second thought I punched the one who attacked me, 

Before I could punch him more three more people moves to me and someone punched my back....

I turned around while holding my back,  blood dripped from my lips..

I ran to beam to hide him, to save him behind me when I saw him standing there with tears in his eyes,  he must be worried for me 'Tsk ' ....

But before I could reach him,  someone else came there,  the same person who just punched me,  I saw beam handing a paper,  more like a check to that person and then his eyes locked with me....

I see so many things in those eyes, I felt happy but dying too,  when he mouthed a sorry and turned his back to me,  walking away slowly....

And then the realization hit me...  Hit me like a mountain,  that it's his hired men...

But before I could move I felt strong pain rush to my body,  my head feel dizzy,  after I saw the iron rod in  blurred face man's hand ...

Before my vision get blank , I saw beam fainting on ground with a loud


"beam "   i screamed....

I tried to run to him but my legs betrayed me.. 

I too fell down and closes my eyes .....

Should I continue??  I mean should I  continue from here in this same book,  cause I was thinking to make a different book after this chapter.. 

Please tell someone,  I could decide

Aish... Finally,  I started updating this book ..


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