cruel reality

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"beam can you check the flowers of the altar, I think the workers did something wrong with the combination "      said Mike,  the head staff of the Jaturaphoom mansion..

The only person in the whole mansion who don't make him feel low.....

Maybe because Mike never believed on what other staff member talk about beam..

How could he when he have only looked at beam as a boy who is so fragile,  the boy who would cry even in his sleep,  the boy whom he could see falling apart day by day...

Everyone will say that the said boy is cruel, so cruel but he would say that life is cruel to beam..

Who would be more broken than the person who's husband will not even recognize his presence,  who would be more embarrassed who's husband would treat him as a servant with his current girlfriend..

Who could be more broken than beam, whose husband is going to marry someone today,  exactly on their second anniversary...

Two year..   From last two year Mike is looking at the same broken beam...

Mike remember it clearly that it was his first day when he saw beam and whole Jaturaphoom family coming home and he saw how ragefully Mr. Jaturaphoom (mark)    slapped beam.  Not one not twice not thrice it was until Mrs Jaturaphoom stopped mark with her sewer...

Mike saw how the angel looking boy didn't tried to save himself,  he saw after slapping beam how mark fell down on his knees like a beggar..

Asking beam to spare their son.. On the other hand beam just kept crying..

In this last two years he remember how many time Mr and Mrs Jaturaphoom asked beam to divorce their son and cut all ties from this family but no..

Beam never ever looked at the divorce papers,  he never signed them..

If anyone ask beam why he isn't signing those paper and leave this hell life..  He have a greatife waiting outside for him,  he's a doctor not a servant but beam will only smile saying his husband, forth loves him, it's just forth is angry with him once he will be calm he will come back to beam.....

They all know this will never happen..

They all have seen the anger,  betrayal and moreover hate in their young Master's eyes for beam...

Mike was thinking about all this when beam came back after completing the work which mark just said to him..

Mark looked at beam with his eyes widened.. Today beam looks different,  so different..

The beam who's eyes will always tired looked excited today.  ...

The beam who always looked tired, toady he is looking so much attractive..

Mike felt his heart stopped beating looking at beam who looks like a angel just landed to earth...

"today something special beam"   asked Mike..

Beam looked at him and smiled wide telling him his reson of dressing in this white tuxedo..

"today is my second anniversary Mike "     he said and went away caresing the same tuxedo which he wore at his small wedding with forth as the guest started coming reminding him the cruel reality that forth is getting married to someone else today...


Just wait a little and you'll know what really happened after that day and how beam is still alive..

Goal:: 30 votes...



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