let's get married

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Have you ever woke up and found yourself in hell, well that what happened to me. I thought everything happens few hours ago would be just a dream but the truth hit me hard right now. Nothing is fake each and everything is true. The day I got to know about my disease was when I decided to give forth what he deserves but believe me I tried but nothing seems to work only his memories get fades for few days and with medicine he got them back too and now my relationship with him doesn't let me to harm him it's not like I change but I can't ,, the family who saved my family when we were at the verge of death I can't Harm their only happiness which is their son .I have asked him to free me it's not like we're married , according to deal we are yet to get married , like a arranged marriage as we both are single and have no one in a life right now and moreover the hurt in forth's mums eyes make me feel guilty even though I have done nothing but what will forth get if we get married to me , the answer is nothing. A person with aids isn't worthy of love. Isn't meant to have a family
















'WAIT' I know what I should do....

I get up from the bed.

From last three days I have curled myself on bed and never leave it..

Sometimes forth's mother will come and become mad on me for being like this but forth will always save me from her and this makes her more angry...

But now I know what I should do.

i woke up and went down stairs ...

i saw him sitting on the sofa working on his laptop ...

dad .... err......... i mean his dad is not somewhere to be seen so i guess he already went to office ...

forth have also joined the company but for last few days he work from home ..

maybe because he don't want to me to be alone with his mom ......

i went slowly to him ...

i can his thick eyebrows knotted , lips thinly pressed together .. and his long fingers typing carefully on his laptop .......

he looks so classy and hot .....

i went near to him and without disturbing himi sat beside him and just sat without making any movement ...

he looked at me slowly , i can see his eyes lit up and there is a unusual calmness all over his face ...................

"do you want something beam ??" he asked , does he always speak like this or there is something wrong with my ears ..

why does his voice sounds so soft and excited ...

i nodded my head looking at his eyes ..

his bow shaped lips smiled instantly , his big almond shape shiny eyes become crescent just like moon .... i froze on his reaction .

there is something giddy inside my stomach ........

just a minute ago he was looking so hot and handsome but now he looks so soft and fluff ...

it looks like he can be fit in my pant pocket .....

i came out of trance and clearly said

"let's get married officially "




A Story Of Revenge Forth and Beam *complete*Where stories live. Discover now