chapter 4

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From  this chapter  to onwards  all credits goes no non other than.  The one and only..... Me..

Beam P. O. V

"Now my acids blood is in your body too. You deserve this for destroying my life and my dreams too" beam looked towards him in disgust and went towards his apartment..

How could he dare to do this with me huh???  I think him as my friends.. That disgusting basterd . I am looking at my self remembering how he asked me for help,, the way he asked for me to help him when i broke the glass bottle on his really he think i will help him jerk

"do you really think soo Mr. Forth. J that i will help you. You destroyed me.. I will take you with me in hell"

Beam was shouting on his reflection in mirror.. His face was red because of anger.  He clenched his right hand to break the mirror thinking it as  forth but

his best friend kit called him...

"where the hell are you beam.. What are you doing.. Why are you not picking up the call.. There is an emergency case in hospital and today is your shift... I am telling you if something happens to this patient you will regret it  for your whole life time and i will kill you.. Come to hospital " kit shouted so hard that made me feel guilty..

What am i doing how could i ignore hospital calls.. I am a doctor i need to save innocent peoples .. i wore my shoes hurriedly went to lock the door...

On my way to hospital all i could blame is that disgusting man forth.. It all happen because of him.

I hurriedly left my car without caring whether i parked it in right place or not.. I just ran towards the emergency room. I saw something was different . There was so many manly men in black suit , standing like statue.. A beautiful woman and a man in blue suit, must be husband wife..

Kit and 2 other nurses made there way towards me.. Kit grab my hand and pull me towards the room

Before i can open the door the that beautiful lady starts begging me

"doctors please save my child,, please doctors save my son i beg you "

I didn't know what to say so i just nodded my head and went inside the emergency theater...

I wore my mask and and plastic gloves and then went to check my patience.....

I froze on my steps...

It's was,, 

my patient was


"doctor beam the reports says that the patient was hit by a beer bottle,, he lost lot of blood and a 1 inch of glass is still in his head which is causing blood clot in his nervous system "  i heard nurse explained me about his condition...

'No not this.. I didn't want him to die like this.. He can't die this early he also have to feel what i have been feeling . Don't worry forth i will save you until you feel what i am feeling ' beam thought and start the surgery....

After one hour...

"no progress doctor " nurse said..

After two hour...

"not yet "

After three hours....

Four hour......

I came out from the room and forth's mother approached me as soon as she see."doctor how's my son,, is he alright "

I feel sad for her but..  forth deserve this didn't he ???

I look at her face full of sadness and worries . His father was trying hard to keep his poker face but he was also sweating hard because his son's serious condition...

"ma'am  please don't worry ... we have already remove the glass from his head

But............. "


Hi dear reader soo what you think about *but* ......???

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