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I was still reading this dairy full of my childhood but what excites me the most is this  mr. young master ...

i wonder is he back to country ...

who is he ???

do he still remember me or just like me  , not ???

how does he looks????

what is his name  ???

so many questions abouts this young master but soon few next pages were all about my crying and how i meet pha kit .....

but the dairy got more weird when i can't clearly understand what  mom tried to write ...

"baby , i am sorry ... please forgive "

next page 

"i am so sorry my beamie ... i am a monster to  do this to you ... please forgive me beamie "

next page  

"i can't beam , i  can't think a way to tell you about this ... but i can gurantee that if you try to  understand you will see i was not wrong "

i got much confuse with these short note so i changed the page again but before i could read it i heard 

"beam baramee "      i looked up and found two men in black and i was getting panicked but i realised that these are forth's family men ...

but again how could they come inside when i had locked the door ...

"what happen sir , is forth alright ???"    i asked them getting confused but next thing made me more  confuse 

"young master beam , madam  mia and sir mark asked for your presence "

nothing is wrong except 'young master beam  '     ... i am not forth but why i am being called young master or maybe it is mistake ...

i put the dairy on bed and asked for some time which which i took a shower as it already 6 in morning ....

after getting changed i picked the dairy , one of dad's hoddi and a pendent which belongs to mom ....

i left with them  not knowing  that my  life is going to change 180 degree ......

"master beam" , the head staff excote me inside ....   and today i don't know why but this house feels different today ..

"good  morning  uncle , aunty ... forth do you feel uneasy "                           i asked worridely which was  a complete good  acting ... i don't even care if he  dies ....

"yes beam i am okay , that the news  is  ... i remember  everything and......."    

i was studdend ....   what ??????????????????????/

"err.... oh and do you feel headache ?"              fuck me , why this question .. guess my doctor side is on guard right now ...

"yeah , but i don't remember everything just the time when i entered university  ... after that nothing ........ i forget my university life , doctor  "said forth

"does it means he don't remember that day ..."               i enquire 


Dam what a good actor he is .... i would love to give him an oscar 

"oh so i guess i should leave "       he said hesitately but no way i  would let him go now 

"stay ... and from now on you are not going to step outside this mansion beam "

he  looked at me confused i stood up and throw a file towards him , i could clearly see him startled by this behaviour of mine and looked at me with big , shocked eyes ...........

"read"           i again said or more like order and saw forth  looking at me with pleading eyes but not now .............. beam did this  to  himself ...

beam picked the file and read it before 

"BEAM "               He fainted and forth ran to caught him 


i honestly needs a friend ... i have i great sisters through this wattpad  but thinking again i need a friend ...

to whom i don't  need to be  formal ... to who i could speak like bro ... whom i could tease ... the the other one too ...

to whom i could tell everything , to whom i could call and sometimes could curse on them...  a person who will listen to me and in the end will  tell me that it's all my fault ..

a friend to whom i could rant but in the end found that person wearing ear phones ...

like a typical ( best)  friend .......

tooo much i know 



A Story Of Revenge Forth and Beam *complete*Where stories live. Discover now