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mia's p.o.v  (forth's mother)

i can't stop thinking about what happen to forth , beamy said his memory will be affected means he could forget about me and mark (forth's dad)  too ...

"shh...  love please stop crying remember what  beamy said that it's 100% that he will forget us , we still have chance and it's beam who is his doctor , he will save his forth , right , believe in him , love"            mark said while hugging me tightly in his chest 

he is right 

as long it's beam nothing will happen to beam ...

"honey do you get who did this to our son "         i asked still in his embrace i could feel my voice changing and him getting more angry 

"i am so fucking mad baby  that i still  can't find that person ..... and i promise you the day i found that person , he will not see the next sun of his life "           mark's voice is so filled with anger that e will kill someone now 

i still wanted him to hold me like this little longer but we get a call from the hospital .. forth is awake


I slowly opened my...




I looked at white ceiling...

Every wall around me was white in colour but my room is brown...

I looked at my hands.. They are covered with  needles...

"oh you wake up." i tried to looked at the owner of the voice...

I looked at my left "shit" cursed  ..

No,  not on the girl, dam my head hurt soo much...

"you OK " she asked me...

White skin, tall,  big boobs , perfect legs.... She indeed was my type..

Still i don't feel anything...

"okay " i said...

"okay Mr.  Jaturapoom let me call the doctor " she said and left the...

The door opened and my mom come running towards me...

SHe hugged me and start  crying...

I looked at my dad.  He's looking at me with moist eyes...

Aaarrrgghhh..  in this world the only thing which can make me, the great Forth jaturapoom ,sad is only the tears of these two people...

My mom start sobbing,  still hugging me...

"Mom what happen... I am alright... " i said to mom but she only looked in my eyes...

Dad came closer and asked how i am feeling ....

"as i said i am fine... But little dizzy... "

I looked at mom she's still crying silently....

"mom this is not the first time i fight with someone and it's just a normal wound"... I said to her very softly..

"normal..... Did you say normal wound....  Do you even now ...what you make us feel " mom said kinda angrily....

"It's been two days since you was unconscious " my dad told me.. He was sad it was clear on his face...

"wait two days...."   i looked at my father confusedly ....and he nodded in agreement...

"shit.... It's mean i mi... "  before i complete my sentence the door opened again..

And a team of doctors and nurses come near me...

A cute doctor with dimples looked at me apologetically.. I smiled at him..

He come closer to me and check my veins...

"how are you feeling forth"   he asked me...

"okay"  I answered....

"beam please check his head"  he said to a someone...

The other doctor come closer to me but I couldn't see his face he was wearing a mask....

" dose it hurt. " the new doctor asked me....

His voice.... I abruptly look at him and cringed in pain..

"I really feel dizzy.... " I said to him looking at him sweetly....

He didn't say anything..... And went to the dimpled doctor......

They both discussed something and nodding...

The new doctor removed his mask....

He patted his lips a little and then closed it and crunched his nose...

So cute...

I smiled widely  it was like a slow motion video for me....

it fell like i have seen him some where ... but the picture is not clear

He came closer to me and touched my  wound... I blushed when his fingers touched my hairs...

He slowly withdraw his hand form my hairs.... 

I followed his every move..

He look so perfect...

A voice of throat clearing broke my movie....

It was my father who smirked at me and my mom wink at me....

Do they understand what I was doing.??. Do they know my sexuality.????

I again looked at the beautiful doctor.. Yes he's more better for my eyes....

I saw him looking at the dimpled doctor when he said beam...

So his name is beam.. What a beautiful name just like him... It suits him......

and this name reminds me of someone , more over a kid who was laughing before collapsing 

but who ??

it's all faded


"so forth you still feel dizzy or it's come occasionally " beam asked ...

"I don't know doctor right now I am fine but still a bit " I said with my flirty voice....

He look at me in anger.  May be because of my flirting..

The doctors and his team was ready to leave the room...

When they went near the door..

I said loudly...

" doctor beam right???  Please come here often I would love to be your friend ".

Everyone looked at me like I am an alien....

"Forth why you want to be his friend.. Aren't you two already close "  the dimpled doctor asked me...

I look at him confusedly...

They again  come closer to me and asked

"forth you don't know me" he asked me... And I shook my head...

"and him" he pointed at  beam..

I shook my head and quickly nodded...
"what " dimpled doctor asked again...

"I mean I don't know him... But I surely can say you are the most beautiful person I have ever met" I said looking dearly at beam...


Hope it's not that bad....??? ●︿●

A Story Of Revenge Forth and Beam *complete*Where stories live. Discover now