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Authors P. O. V

Forth was doing great with his recovery ...

It's been two day since he wake up...

He was still not allowed to go home..

Forth was already informed by his family that he has brain nervous..

He might not  a doctor but he know that if any injury related to brain it can be dangerous...

And  it seriously serious so he didn't gave hard time to doctors..

His friends from university also come to visit him, he also get to know about that dimpled doctor, kit..

His friends from university park, ming, kit, wayo and pha......


Forth P. O. V

I get to know many things from my friend lam..

About me being a head hazer, then completed university with flying colors, and something about someone but don't know why he became silent..

Whatever for me it only my family,  friends and yeay that ,that Dr beam

I tried to talk to him he always show me his cold attitude..

I don't know if I will ever have a chance because their is something in his eyes...

It some times say care..

Sometimes anger..

Sometimes irritated...

But today when he came to look on at my reports...

As I said " good morning my doctor"

He looked at me and it was like my world turn up side down..

This time eyes say a very big word..

It says hate..

Am I being too much for him that he start hating me...

As long as I remember I haven't done anything to him..

I might be an asshole, a fucker but for this Dr. Beam I am ready to change..

I don't even know when I look at him my heart start beating rapidly like it would come out from my throat.

When his little cute fingers touch my forehead..


Well at that time I need someone to remind me how to breath...

But it's all change after seeing that hate in his eyes...

If he hates me then of course there must be a reason but what it could be????

I don't know what today I really wanted to slap my self .....

I don't know why but I am really mad on my self...

"aarrggghhh"    I let out a small scream...

I picked my phone from the side table.  Using phone is not allowed to me yet but still I want to make an important phone call..

"hello " 

"oh hi buddy "

"lam I want to ask you something "

"wait you are using phone, they allowed you"  

"no off cause not... But listen I really have something to ask "

" whatever... Ask what is it I am in hurry"

"aaaa .....do we know doctor beam???"

"fuck you!!! Is this your important question... Of course we know he your doctor "

"lam I am not in mood of your fucking jokes just tell me do I know him before this accident "

Don't know what's making  him to think...

"say lam"

"aa... Yes you know him.. "

"how?? "

"he's the best friend of doctor phana.. Phana was one of your competitor during moon and star competition but you both become friends and so do kit and beam"

I don't know but I think there is still something he is hiding..

"and "   I asked and I know he understood what I mean...

"lam say something "    I said when I didn't get any reply...

"lam "    I again asked.  And know I am confirm that he is hiding something.. 

I was going to ask him again but my room's door open and my mom entered....

I just gave her an awkward smile while she was glaring at me and I know why.....

I slowly removed my phone from my right ear and cut the call... Slowly putting it on the side table again still looking at my mom with an awkward smile...

Good forth now see  what's going to happen I murmured softly to my self ....

........        .....

Lam's P. O. V

Yes you know him before hand forth he was your first love but you are afraid thinking he won't return your feelings back so you choose to keep silence and continue to being just friends..

This is what  exactly i wanted say when you asked me about beam forth but I can't...

I can't even if I want too..

I can't even you want.. 

Because there's someone who don't...

How can I say,  how can i tell after knowing that what had happened on that day in the park...


This chapter was specially for TanusreeSil and for others who was waiting for it keenly.. 

Thank you  and playing vote and comment

A Story Of Revenge Forth and Beam *complete*Where stories live. Discover now