Esa... (love)

822 43 29

Author P. O. V

"ring ring ring"

Beam's phone rang and caller ID says it's...


This name, this number.. Made beam more angry on forth..

Esa was the love of his life...

His girlfriend...

His soon to be wife...

His future....

The girl who was going to carry his his children...

His love.....

but not his parents ... they hated esa for some reasons 

they always asked beam not be in relationship until he came in right age , which practically means he will get arranged a girl 

Beam stabled himself...

He tried to control his voice and picked the call..

"hello "

"hello p beam "

"hi Esa "

"p beam you still have my number , i thought you deleted it".. Esa said from other side of the call..

Yes on the very first day when he find out that he's diagnosed with aids and he only have two months left...

The first thing he did was to break up with Esa...

He didn't wanted to spoil her life because if himself...

He wanted to deleted her number, her line, her pictures but he couldn't..

His heart didn't allow  him to throw her out of his life...

She was the first step of his bright and happy future..

"oh it's not like that Esa, i was busy with my surgeries that i forget to delete, no problem we still could be friends right. " said beam, not wanted to break from her words...

"p beam i wanted to invite you personally to my wedding " said Esa..

What??? beam was confused... It's not more than a week since they break up and she is marrying someone else...

"oh okay i will.... Esa i have to go, i have surgery to attempt.. I will talk to you later.. " beam excuse,because he felt something weird...

Without waiting for her answer beam cut the call...

He was already sad...

He was already hurt...

He was already injured...

But after listening to Esa he felt..

He felt like the land has escape under his feet....

What that mean..??

Was she already cheating on him.. ??

Was she playing with him... ??

Was she playing with his heart... ??

Beam was feeling devastated... ??

He still remember how much he loved her, how much he treasure her.

But she...

Beam suddenly chuckled..

Beam remember that when he broke up with her she didn't even ask why??

She didn't even felt hurt...

Beam's life was already miserable and after knowing that Esa, whom he loved with all his hear was already tired of him..

Now his life was devastated...

" you will pay for this forth jaturapoom, i will take you to hell with me" a painful screamed was heard from beam's mouth...


Esa, beam's ex girlfriend..


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So, Esa is beautiful isn't it she.. She one of my favorite..... Her real name is janat jubair.. She an Indian T. V actress..

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