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'Never in my life i had thought that i would see a day like this '

mom is being so mad , i can clearly see her fuming in anger but i know she will forgive her favourite son  soon , and right now with her red angry face is not doing any justice to her love ..

she is still caressing my beam's hairs so loving ,*tsk*  all opposite to her acting ...

dad is outside with doctor and telling family satff who beam is ..

i still remember that cute , pale , innocent kid playing with me ....

taking a role of my wife and promising me to love me like this forever , my beam ...

i remember spending my whole life looking at my beam from afar ....

everything was beautifull ...... i was never jealous of the  people close to him or trying to get close to him as i always knew he will be mine in the end of day , so why fear ....

i remember that day when i was just 12 years old ....

i still remember beam , he never escape my mind and heart and that day was perfect day of my life 


"Let me go please ..... i need to talk to them .."

i heard a lady  talking practically begging to the body guards of our mansion on the main gate ...

i was not  intrested in this as so many beggars have tried to do this and if mom saw them she pity them and give something but me and dad don't like this ...

most of them are still healthy , if they want they could work hard and have their own money , so i ignored them until i heard ..

"please mrs. baramee go now or i have to use my hands "

'baramee '   that caught my attention and i walked from garden to main gate and found my beam's mom standing , crying , mostly begging the guards to let her in ..

"mae "   i called her , and a smile form on my face when i thought maybe beam is with her too ..

"let her in she is my mae "    i hissed on the guards as i can't see her crying ..

the one who feed me when i was hungry ,

the one who play with me when i was alone ,

the one who lullaby me when i can't sleep ,

the one who helped me when mom was not there with me ..

i can't see that person in this condition ..

they opned the gate and let her in ..

 we both hugged each other other happily ..

"mae i missed  you ... did beam came with you .. where is por "

i asked her repeteadly but she only gave a small smile to me 

"you still remember me young master ??"    she asked wipping her tears ..

i was telling her everything while leading a way inside mansion and let her meet mom and dad ..

and as she saw my mom , she left my hand and run to my mom ..

i thought she will hug her but instead she fell on her knees near my mom's feet ..

all of us were stunnded looking at her but i don't know why but an unknown fear run down my spine and tears formed on my eyes too ..

"please help me ma'am .. please ma'am ... please help my family ... please save my family ... my husband and son .. please .. i beg you .. i will do anything .. please .. "    she  kept weeping , while mom tried to make her stand up ... but it looks like she don't have any strenght left...

"ok ok prime ... please don't cry  and tell me what happen to zack and our beamie .."    i felt happy that mom and dad still  remember my beam , and why not i never let them forget him ....

this time dad helped mom and picked mae in bridal style and made put her comfotable on the sofa of living room .....

"where is beam and zack , prime ??"   dad asked 

mae only said *** hospital and fell unconciouss ...

dad huddridly call our family doctor and told mom to stay with mae and was heading towards the hospital but i asked him to let me come with him ...

 i can't stay normally if something happen to my beam ..

we went to hospital  ....   and dad enquired everything and we went to  the general ward ...

there were so many people with tubes .. few sleeping ... few crying silently .... few just quitly looking lost and a very foul smell of medicines were making me dizzy ...

i quickly found my beam ... we went to their bed ..

beam looked normall , he was just sleeping beside his dad ..

por had few tubes attached to his wrist ...

few doctors and nurses was with us too ..

and they told something which made me shiver with fear 




A Story Of Revenge Forth and Beam *complete*Where stories live. Discover now