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"ma'am  please don't worry ... we have already remove the glass from his head

But............. "

"But what Dr. " his father asked me

I looked at him and his wife... Forth really don't deserve them as his parents.. They are innocent and he is disgusting ..

"sir right now everything is under control but we still have to wait till he wake up . We need to check on him for further injuries but we still don't know when he'll wake"

I said the them and left the place..

I sit on my office chair..

"oh come on forth wake up. You are making me think that i am wrong but the thing is your are the one who destroyed me. I will also destroy you.. My aids blood is now also in your body just wait and see "

I said to myself ..

"knock knock"

"come in " i said and a nurse open the door..

"Sir this is the report of Mr. Jaturapoom " she said and headed me a file..

"Thank you, you may go now" i said go her..

She went out.. I took a deep breath and opens the..

Report said that there is no sever injury but he have 87 percent  chance of blood clot in his Brain if it's true then it can only cure after he wake up...

I sigh because it's not the way he should die....

I call a nurse and told her to bring Forth guardians to me

"hello Mr. And and Mrs. Jaturapoom.  I  am doctor beam baramee. "

"hello doctor.. How's forth??? when will he wake up"  Mrs. Jaturapoom asked me.. Tears can be seen in her eyes... but her smile ... that smile looks like she knows me and adore me so much , but again who don't

"ma'am that's why i have call you.. "  i said and looker at the couple sitting in front of me holding each others hand..

I focused on Mr.  Jaturapoom and said.

"sir..  Forth is safe right now??? But he have some internal bleeding in his head which is making a blood clot in his head and it could only be cured once he wake up"

" Doctor beam can you please explain a little better.... " Mrs. Jaturapoom asked me and his father looked at me straightly..

"actually there is nervous which called olfactory bulb and this nervous store the memories  of the brain and in forth's case that nervous  get coil up a bit resulting to forget his few memories and it could be dangerous because due to the extra pressure on that nervous it's making a clot in his brain which  could be dangerous " i elaborated in soft voice..

His mother start crying.... "Doctor when will he wake up.. "  she asked

"I can't tell when but it have to be soon"... I said and keep my silence....

Both of them stood up and i did same.. They was about to leave my office but then turned around and his mother hugged me...

"You are beam  baramee  right??  Son of the dravid and shine  right ???  His friend from medical??? " his father asked me and his mother still hugging me...

"yes sir  , do you know my parents  " i asked while  nodding  my head..

Mrs.  Jaturapoom free me from her hug and they both smiled sweetly to me...

"yeay we know them through business but it's okay you don't remember us ...."

"but sir mam my parents  were not the richi rich , i came from a middle class family "

"we know dear it's just a small meeting with them but it's okay , you were so small when we meet leave it ... we should go to forth now "

with this the perfect couple left my office leaving me curios , but i careless i need my revenge 

but can i do this i am not this kind of person 

and just this thought of me made me teary

" why.... Why...... Why... Why....... Why.." his tears start flowing ... He was hitting his table like crazies.. His hand start hitting...

He closed his eyes and let his tears flow........

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A Story Of Revenge Forth and Beam *complete*Where stories live. Discover now