reveal part 2

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please  forgive me spellings


Doctors told dad everything and i understand all of them easily ..

"sir . mr.  baramee have blood cancer second stage .. he can be cured with regular medicien and time to time blood change  but mrs . baramee told us they don't have money for it and the blood right now inside him is like a poison on his body ...and poor boy , i haven't seen this small angel eating anything from last two days .. if i ask him why ?? he only say that he is saving money for his dad's operation .. and i haven't seen his wife from last two days too ... i according to us there is chances that this small angel could be digonesd with blood cancer too but there is no money for the check up .."   doctors kept telling all this to dad and my heart was crying looking at my week , slim beam and por ...

beamie's cheek bone could be seen clearly and that dark black circles were taking all his beauty ...

i kept crasessing his face , hairs and por's hands ...

few more minutes and dad joined me too .. he admire beam's face too .. and plant a kiss on his forehead ..

he told me that it's time to go home and look for mom and mae ..

i know he clear all the bills for them and they are now in private ward too ...

i kissed por and my beam's  forehead too and left with dad .....

and while going back home i just hit me hard why people take money and other thing in exchange of something ...

"dad"    he looked at me with a small smile .. giving me strength ...

"dad i want to marry beam "   he didn't looked surprise as they all know what i feel for beam ... even tho i don't know what love is but just thinking about living whole life with beam , like mom dad makes me happy ..

"you can son .. one day .. when you will grow up can marry beam "   he said and ruffled my hairs ...

"no ... i mean now ... see , like the ice cream man who take money in return of ice cream "   i explained while remembring one of the day when dad when dad took me to ice cream palour ..

this time dad looked at me surprisingly and knotted his brows ..

"beam is not an ice cream son , you can't buy him  with money "   dad said and turned to focus on his i pad ...

if i think about it then it's true ...

beam is not an ice cream  ...

i think and think ....

"but dad what if one day when we grow up and beam  don't want to be my wife instead he want a wife ....."         i looked at dad and my question dosen't have any other motive but just need a insurense that he will one day he will marry me ...

dad looked at me for some time and when i didn't get any answer my eyes again went teary ....

" and don't you want to give him everything he want and make him happy ..??"    dad asked me a question too ....

and it's true i want him to be happy ... to smile every time ...

i nod my head and turned my head to look out of the window ...

we were close to our home when i again heard dad asking me something ...

"what will you do son if beam want a wife in future  ??"     

i turned to look at him and told him the truth ..

"i will  become his wife then "   i said dead seriously ..

"no , i mean if he want to marry a girl ??"   he asked again ...

and  i know what i will do ..

"i will become a girl for him life p'siam"      i said remembring one of a mam  who suddenly become a girl , with big , circular chest like mom  (i mean boobs) , long hairs and he couldn't walk for few days  (because of gender surgery) ...

dad looked at me shockingly , his mouth was hanging openly ..

and few more minutes laters he asked ..

"i mean like a women , like his mom ,  your mom , like other girls of your class who already have circular chest and long hairs ..

and this time i don't have any answer .....

i looked at him and tears again flow from my eyes and this time it was tough to stop ...

"i will die .. i will kill myself dad "    i don't know how but these words came out from my mouth ..

dad looked at me and this time i could see fears , so much fear in his ... he quickly pulled me in his chest and started scolding me for thinking about it but i heard his saying ..

"you won't leave me , you can't leave your dad or mom alone in this world my prince ...beam will be your .. i will make sure to save him for you .. he will be your forever ..."    i heard him kept repeating this .....  

until we reached to our house ..


okay , so the thing is .. every father , specially  like mark will get  afraid thinking about lossing their only child ..... he is afraid that if forth at the age of 11 could think about dying then what will he do when he will grow ... because he could see forth in real love .. and moreover he have chance to save and secure his son's future ...

and it's not like arranged marriage is wrong .. child marriage is wrong but ..

but he is mark ... he have his own ways ..

let's see 


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