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"beamie "    again I heard forth calling me it's been a week we get married and it feels like nothing have changed but sometimes it feels like everything have changed , everything .....

Forth always act possessive for me,  his eyes have never lost it's shine.. Never... His husky voice have become sweet.......

Dad have started talking to me,  he will even involve me in their business talk,  he have started process of giving me all the 20 percent shares in everything ... He will even bring ice cream for me too....

Mae , she haven't changed much but still allow me to roam freely anywhere I want...  She will have a check on my accessories and clothes  which will be from very high brands...   She will ' accidentally ' make my favorite food... She will 'fake'the proudness she feel when she introduces me to her friends...

But me...

I don't know what I feel,  I just want to be like this now,  forever but I don't want forth..... Everything is perfect except him.....

And my sickness is become more worse,  I feel weakness and most of the time I feel dizziness taking over me.......    My diet is not what it's used to be,  I feel like puking sometimes too.....  Every night I feel like to sleep and never wake up for next few days.. My headache is dam......

Forth always get worried and would ask me am I okay???   I just feel like to kill him at the spot.....

"beamie are you listening me baby "    I heard him again.... It's time to sleep but my head hurts...  I have taken holidays from hospital in. The name of my marriage and being the owner dad quickly approved it. ..


"are you okay,  you look stressed "   forth asked me balancing himself on his left hand fist facing me...

My head really hurt so much I feel like crying and just hearing him,  my eyes become moist  .......

"baby are you okay, love "   I have never stopped him from calling me endearments..  It makes everyone around me happy so why not...

I slowly shake my head, pulling the blanket more closer...

"what happened beamie "   he looked at me worriedly checking my face.....

"my.. Head.. Head hurts so.. So much"   I just told him.

"Tsk baby"      he lightly chukled and left our room.....

'I knew it he will become irritate '  

I tried to close my eyes but the door opened again...  Showing my so called husband with a bottle of oil in his hand....

'so he went to take oil,  he's didn't left me in my hurt '  ....

"here"   he stretched his hand after putting the oil on the headrest....

He pulled me carefully and sat behind me putting my head on his lap.....

I wanted to protest but his finger feels so relaxing.......

"Shhh,  it's will be gone in few minutes "    he said while taking oil in his palm and started messaging my head....

I feel so relaxed and my eyes started becoming heavy and after some time I feel asleep....


My eyes are giving up now guys..



A Story Of Revenge Forth and Beam *complete*Where stories live. Discover now