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*knock knock*

Forth was busy reading the file of his new project and the hair dresser was bussy whole doing his hairs when they heard a knock...

"come in " a plain but cold voice of forth gave the permission to the person..

Door open but no voice come from the person..

Making forth and the other staff look at the person...

"what"   a bit anger was reflected like clear water in forth's voice when he saw non other than beam standing there with a tray....

"it's time for you medicines young master "    said beam his eyes were fixed on the tray after looking at forth who was glaring at him with hate..

Forth didn't answer but again fix his gaze on the file...

Everyone went back to their jobs ignoring the mere servant in the room.....

Beam placed the tray down on the table and give medicines to forth which forth took without any tantrums..   It's been two years and he is used to it now.

He specifically gave his medicine duty to beam to show him what he have done to forth....

Beam was ready to leave the room when he heard something which breaked his heart with loud voice...

"whom you whorse yourself to get this expensive suit "        the disgust was dripping from forth's voice..

Beam's eyes become teary hearing this from the man who once used to call him 'my angel,  baby,'   who once used to worship him....

Beam just ignored it went away.

Forth hissed when he get ignored..

Both not aware with the eyes of someone who trailed beam until he get away from their sight...

"you are ready sir"    said the hair dresser..

Firth looked up and nodded his head..

They all left his room. Leaving him alone.....

Forth get a video message on his phone he opened it saw how beam broke down when he left the room...

He could see beam covering his mouth to control his scream..  

Forth closed the video as his heart ache looking at beam like this...

He just typed a message asking  "medicines?"

"he took them, sir "    and when he got his answer he closed the app...

Putting his phone aside and walking to his closet pulling out his old phone, looking at the wallpaper...

Tears fell down his eyes while muttering.    "happy anniversary baby "        his heart ache so much, making him put his hand on his chest but feeling the a scar there he closed his old phone and his tears stopped like they never fell...

His teary red eyes changed drastically into red angry eyes....

He just felt furious and went to walk the aisle not caring at he's 20 mins before the decided time....

He just want to remove each and every presence of beam from his life.

He is would be fine of beam have rejected him,  he would be fine if beam would have left him

But he can't live knowing how beam betrayered him...

He's not okay when beam used him for the second time...

He gave second chance to beam..

He remember how he begged his parents to not be angry on beam for the first time,  he remembers how he begged to no one to tell him the reson why beam never choosed him...

He remembers how much his love for beam was killing him....

He understands from his therapist that love starts form yourself...

He loves himself more than anything or may be this was what he is used to say whenever his eyes try to find his old giggling beam...

.frim last 2 years he have never seen beam smiling...

All he have seen is how much beam regrets this all,  how much he sorry is,  how much beam crave for those old sweet words...

But he just can't...

He can't forget that day...

Maybe he can forgive beam but not forget his deeds...

Maybe,  but not today...

Not now...

It's his wedding with someone who will always be with him atleast will never betray him.....

He know yihwa..   If he could chose to love someone he would have choosed yihwa from the start who loves him since childhood....

Only if he could choose..

He would never choose this fate...

Now standing here waiting for yihwa to walk the altar he just can't wait to finish everything and start a new life...




A Story Of Revenge Forth and Beam *complete*Where stories live. Discover now