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Beam was lying on the cold floor and was crying and thinking about his past mistakes which can cause Aids

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Beam was lying on the cold floor and was crying and thinking about his past mistakes which can cause Aids

suddenly he remembered about one incident

Flash back

Beam and forth met in a market where fourth help him in starting car

fourth was engineering student and was boss of the faculty

he was looking like a Gangster but he offered help to beam and beam was late so he accepted

Beam asked him if you want any favour in return but forth refused anything in the return and offered him coffee

Beam was late but he didn't want to be selfish so he accepted and went to the coffee shop with forth

they were enjoying coffee peacefully and giving introduction to each other when they heard loud noises

some boys were looking like gangsters entered in the coffee shop and start fighting to forth

"lam took beam somewhere "forth shouted and punched the guy who was about to punch him

"let's go beam"one boy lam came near to beam and said.

"But what about forth"beam said he in scared voice

"He will handle them let's go if you got even a little scratch forth will tore me into million pieces " lam grabbed his hand and stared pulling him towards shop back door

one guy from the other Gang saw concern for Beam and went towards Beam and put knife on beam's neck

" I said stop or I will cut his neck" guy shouted

" go and cut who you want to cut I fucking don't care" forth punched one guy from other gang and said without looking at them

" forth he is talking about Beam" lam said in scared voice because he knew that forth don't know who's neck is on knife..

Forth turned his face with a jerk and his face turned into pale

"HEY NO NO leave him " forth got scared.

"Ahan I think we found Forth's week point " the guy shouted happier

"I said let him go I am your enemy  he is innocent he don't have anything with this fight" forth tried to control his anger

" I don't care if he don't have anything with this fight" the guy shouted

" you come here to take revenge from me hit me as much as you want but let him go he is my guest and stranger" forth fisted him palm angrily

" Are you still showing me attitude????? sit on  your knees join your hands together and beg for mercy" the guy shouted and tightened his knife on beam's neck a little drop of blood appeared on beam's neck

"Ahhhhh" beam bit his lip and closed his eyes due to pain.

"OK OK please don't hurt him please " forth got scared and his face turned into pale

" please let him go and hit me as much as you want" forth sit on his knees immediately and joined his hands

everyone there were shocked to see forth because forth was a careless and stone hearted boy His self-respect was everything for him and he could  sacrifice his life for his self respect

but what was that he was sitting on his knees with joind hands and pleading for a guy life

Everyone was looking at him with wide eyes even though other gang boss was also shocked

suddenly Park appeared in the guy back and hit his head with vine bottle and pushed beam towards lam

When forth saw beam is out of danger is stood up and started punching them widely

everyone started fight and they were busy in punching each other that was looking like third world war

Forth saw  one guy went towards Beam and about to hit Beam

forth took a bottle and hit in the table and tore it in shape of sharp knife and hit the guy on the shoulder with sharp bottle

the guys shoulder start bleeding but he again tried to hurt beam

forth again hit the guy but at the same time guy took side and the sharp bottle cut beam's hand

forth got scared and took of handkerchief and tied his hand and said to lam to bring beam to doctor . Lam started pulling him,beam looked back of forth who was fighting with other gang people

They went to doctor and doctor said cut is not deep so he just put bandage on cut and gave him some instructions

Flash back over

"Is that cut the reason of aids?????  Because i am virgin and I didn't do anything which can caused aids"Beam thought with teary eyes

"Yes!!!! he used the Sharp vine bottle piece for cutting dirty Gangster and he also cut my hand with that sharp bottle" beam was thinking angrily.

"Someone in the gang had AIDS and he cut my hand with same bottles and their aids blood come into my body you buster destroy my life" Beam started crying loudly and shouted angrily

" you destroyed my life,,,you destroyed my life" beam was crying badly

"i will take revenge you have to die with me" beam wiped his tears roughly.


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