lam knows...

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... Hope you all will ignore my few mistakes here... Happy reading

Lam's P. O. V

"lam "

"lam" I turned around and saw forth running towards me

"fuck up, don't scream like you saw a ghost " I screamed back at him

"I did " he answered panting while catching his breath...

"what you saw yourself in mirror " I said and start laughing...

"not so funny " said forth with an annoying tone and glaring eyes...

"not funny only for you.. "     I said ignoring his glares

" beam"    he said,  his eyes looked dreamy

"what?? ever since you have seen him ,  you have been saying that he's like an angel and know he become a ghost to you...."     I said lightly teasing him

" no,  he called me and ask me to meet him"       he said,  gosh he look like a prince from fairy tale.... Yuck

"he said if I am free can we meet,  see lam "      he said happily....

I also smiles seeing my best friend this happy...

It's been almost 10 years he have been crushing hard on that doctor from medical faculty.  

He was so broken,  so much that we need to call his parents to come and take him when we all get to know that beam has a girlfriend...

Not only a girlfriend but a true beauty......

"you should go forth may be this is your time "      I said patting his shoulders....

I wanted to ask him more like where you both are going,  what game,  how???   ...

But didn't because my phone rang and I saw the ID of my H.A.F.l showing up.

((H.AFL.  mean hot as fuck lam))

I turned around leaving forth behind... I only care for park...

Selfish???  Yes, I am


It's almost midnight night when I came back to my house after park dropped me...

He meet my parents and greeted them...

I am happy that my parents are happy with my decision of choosing park as my soulmate and accepted me like I am......

I was going to sleep when I remember about forth's today's plan...

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number...

Phone directly get Connected to his voice mail....

I tried again but get the same result...

After third time I sigh and didn't tried doing it again....

I was yet to go in my deep slumber when I heard  loud knocks on my door..  .

I was sleepy but still quickly it...

I saw park on my door...

"what?? "    I asked him not aware of his expression....

"go and change quickly,  we need to go somewhere "       he said ...

I was too sleepy to understand his voice tone...

A Story Of Revenge Forth and Beam *complete*Where stories live. Discover now