5: Blaire

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Chapter 5


Petrified. Thats what I was.

Once Hermione left to find Harry and Ron, I started freaking out. I was left alone, with my only chance at living through this nightmare gone. This person claiming to be Hermione is a freaking good actress. It cant be Emma Watson though, because shes doing a movie in Hollywood. Which means someone is extremely good with makeup and hair.

Two minutes later, the door burst open, and two men came in. I shrunk myself as far as possible in the bed, hpoing they wouldnt see me.

"You know, we saw you already. You dont have to hide in the bed." One man said. I probably would know if my face wasnt covered, of course.

Slowly, I pulled myself out of the covers. Standing in front of the bed, was none other than Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Hermione came in after them.

"Im assuming you know who they are?" Hermione asked me. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I probably would have had a fangirl attack if Draco or Neville were here. Or Remus or Sirius. I like them.

"Alright, let me explain some things to you.

"The wizarding world is in grave danger again. The Masked, as we call them, are like a group of Voldemort. But, they do it in secret. In dreams. They're dangerous and everywhere. TM, which is short for them obviously, are working on a way to contact Voldemort and tell him what they know. Which is about a quarter of what we know.

"But we have you. You will keep us safe, if you agree to what we ask. We need you to change a bit, like your name and looks, and become part of the wizarding world. WE'll tell you more of this later on. And your other option, is to return to the muggle world, staying the same, but you will be put in an orphange. TM have taken your family. If you choose to go to the muggle world, you will be putting yourself and others in danger. You're powers, which are much to powerful in my opinon, are only going to grow. We cant do anything about that." Hermione explained to me.

It took a minute to process everything. Im a witch, which I already guessed. I can save everyone, if I accept this. I think my answer is completely obvious.

"I-I think I'll b-be a witch. I want to help. I want to try and save my family." I replied. Hermione smiled and the boys high-fived.

"Alright, I need you to pick a name, and you are a metamorphagus, as well as a shifter." Hermione said. I looked at her perplexed.

"Shifter?" I asked. She laughed a bit.

"A shifter is a person that can make themselves look like any person that has ever lived. The metamorphagus powers only take you so far." she explained.

"Ah. Anything else I should know? And I have a name picked out. Do I need a last name?" I asked quickly.

"Ummm.... Well, I guess it wouldnt hurt. You can do wandless magic, powerful wandless magic. You have to be extremly careful with it though. And no, you're going to be a long lost cousin or something of Harry's. So, whats your name?" she replied, talking fastly.

"Raelyn. Raelyn Giovanna Potter." I said confindently.

"Pretty. Now imagine what you want to look like, and I'll put a spell so it doesnt change when you forget about it."

I nodded in reply, and imagined my hair a redish-brown color I had liked. I then imagined my eyes emerald green, as to look somewhat like Harry.

I opened my eyes and Hermione, Ron and Harry were looking at me with wide eyes.



"Good job!"

The golden trio said at once.

"Alright, so, stand up" Hermione commanded. I obeyed, not wanting to get her angry. "Now, say your name confidently, and tell us your personality."

"Im, um, Raelyn Giovanna Potter. I, um,-" I started off by stuttering, but Hermione cut me off by saying, "No stuttering. You need to be more confident in who you are, or people arent going to believe you." She demanded. I rolled my eyes and started again.

"Im Raelyn Giovanna Potter. I love to read and write, my favorite color is gray, and I just found out Im a witch." I said, as confidently as I could. Hermione looked impressed, so I must've done something right.

"Good, now Harry and Ginny's kids are here, so thats basically going to be your first test." Hermione said, awe still in her voice.

"Harry?" A woman's voice shouted from downstairs. There was a lot of footsteps all of a sudden, and some swearing and screaming. 

"What the..." I started, and trailed off. Hermione rolled her eyes, and Harry said, "Looks like Ginny's home. You can just call us Harrry and GInny or Ron and Hermione or, well you get the drift."

I nodded, and the adults walked out of the room, and I following them.

"Hello, Ginny, love" Harry said calmly as he walked towards his wife.

"Hi Harry" the red-head replied. She looked straight at me and said, "Who's this?"

"Im Raelyn Potter, miss. Nice to meet you." I replied, holding out my hand. I noticed my long sleeve black shirt, was replaced with a clean white one. At least it was long sleeved.

"Nice to meet you too. Now I remember Harry telling me about you. You must be his long lost cousin or something, right?" Ginny replied. I nodded in response. "You can call me Ginny, just so you know" she added.

I laughed a bit out of nervousness, and nodded. "You can call me Rae or Lynn for short" I said laughingly. She chuckled for a few seconds, and said, "How old are you? You look about my son James' age."

"I just turned 15." I replied smiling. I still havent gotten over the fact that Im meeting the characters from Harry Potter.

"He just turned 16 last month. He's probably in his room. You can go hang out with him. Up two flights of stairs and all the way at the left hand side of the hallway at the end." she told me. I thanked her and followed her directions to James' room.


Ok, HI there! Im here again! I just felt like writing tonight, so here you go.

Im thinking about putting multiple fandoms in here, because I feel it will be more interesting for some people's back stories. Fandoms like, Once Upon A Time, Divergent, maybe Percy Jackson.

Let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions :)

The picture to the right would be Blaire/Raelyn with her new hair 

thanks :)

Tori <3

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