43: Jamie

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Last Jamie chapter in a row! Next one will be Raelyn!

Chapter 43

"If you could do the gymnastics thing in order to go to Hogwarts? I will let you. Only because I see that you two are as close as siblings can get and all of your friends are going. This is the only exception I am making though, do you both understand?" He told me, and Viktor and I nodded in response. I ran off, Vick running after me, but turning soon after. This was a normal occurrence, but sadly I couldn't walk with him. Since we don't have houses like Hogwarts, the school splits us up by age. First years with first years, second years with second years etc. And since I was the only girl to attend Durmstrang, I got my own private room and connecting everything. No seriously. There's a secret passageway to even get to the Master Hall in the corner of my room. I'm not boasting but... My dorm is freaking awesome.

I changed quickly and laid down in bed. I laid there for hours, thinking of how the year was going to go.

A week later, Viktor and I had started practice for our entrance to Hogwarts. What? It doesn't happen in a day, sunshine.

"Moran! Kings! Halva! Get in line with Krum and Morgan!" Karkaroff yelled at some kids. They're seventh years, and couldn't listen for shit. The three of the moved back in line and we started again.

Bang! Bang bang! The staffs hit the floor in the same repetitive way. They parted into two lines, and I ran through. About halfway, I jumped into a cartwheel and flipped off the ground. From their, I did a back flip and landed square on my feet. The kid from the front of the middle left line took out his wand and blew on it, a non-verbal spell creating fire. We practiced this entrance another three times before Karkaroff was happy enough and sent us to bed.

For the rest of the two months we had remaining at Durmstrang until June, us students going to Hogwarts were stretched so thin, between practices and classes and quidditch practice.

"Ugh. I can't take this anymore!" I whined, for the fifth time that day, banging my head on the brick wall in an empty classroom. Viktor, Chris and I were doing our homework and I took a break to do my routine for the opening at Hogwarts.

"You've said that five time already Jamie." Chris said, giving into taking a break. "Why don't you just stay here and not worry about the routine thing?" I stood up from my position on the floor and glared at my friend.

"Why don't you just stay here and not worry about the routine thing?" I mocked him, and went to practice my flip. I did three in a row and landed on my feet. "Because Hogwarts is freaking amazing! You guys won't believe how awesome and magical it is! And they don't support the dark arts!" Chris smiled and Viktor finally looked up from his homework.

"I am interested in seeing why this Hogwarts is so amazing. And getting a break from this dark stuff will be healthier I think." He said, laughing. Chris and I joined in laughing and instead of doing homework, we joked around for another forty five minutes, when we realized there was only ten minutes until curfew.


Some type of time later (I hadn't been paying attention), it was time for us people's going to Hogwarts to leave. Yes, it was that day. October the twenty ninth.

"Students going to Hogwarts for the Tri Wizard Tournament are to meet in the Entrance Hall in ten minutes. Do not be late, or you will not be going." A voice said from everywhere it seemed. I did a little happy dance and grabbed my trunk, before running out of my room and down six floors. Yeah, I feel bad for eighth years. They're up in the towers and such.

"I'm here! Am I late?" I exclaimed when I got down to the Hall. I was completely out of breath by the time I found my group. It's my squad and no one can say a thing about it.

"Nope. Record time kid, we still have three minutes until they'll let us on." Viktor told me, my excitement rising.

Soon enough, the staff (consisting of one of our ancient caretakers, Mr Zagging and his ancient dog Carlos; our Transfiguration professor Professor Burgage and the assistant Dark Arts teacher, Professor Madd. He really is mad, no joke) were opening the doors to the hall, and mad us put our things on the boat in our cabins. I got lucky, all the boys could pick wherever they wanted, so Viktor, Henry and Chris took one a bit down from mine which was away from all civilization.

I quickly threw my trunk in the small cabin, and ran to where I watched my friends enter.

"The party can now begin!" I exclaimed, jumping into the room. Everything kind of just stopped though. Viktor looked like he was in a heated argument with a boy, probably in his year or something, while Henry was reading a muggle book (like he had been for a week or two then) and Chris was making bubbles and smoke emit from his wand as a source of entertainment. "What the hell is going on in here?"

"Jack," Viktor said viciously, while Henry and Chris rolled their eyes, "Decided to take this room just after I set my foot over the threshold. We had this room first." My first reaction, was a sigh. I too rolled my eyes, and Viktor glared at me.

"Well, Jack, if you don't mind, I would appreciate you finding another room. My room is just down the hall, and I would like to see my friends and my brother without going across the ship." I told this boy, trying to be as nice as possible. Jack glared heavily at me, stomped his foot like a child, crossed his arms and stalked out, his trunk wavering in the air behind him.

"Your welcome..." I sang, dragging out the end. They all rolled their eyes simultaneously and I laughed.

"C'mon, let's go get lunch or food of some sort." Chris said, finalizing our conversation and smacking the book out of his brother's hands. Henry glared at his older brother, but he had given up on revenge years ago.


About twenty-four hours later, we were at Hogwarts. Since we tracked the Beauxbatons carriages when the got closer to Hogwarts, we planned to get there just after, so everyone was distracted.

All of the staff that came, Karkaroff, the eighth years, and I (because I'm special) took our places staggered around the boat and cast special charms so we could appear from the lake. It was all my idea, and Karkaroff takes all the damn credit...

"FIVE MINUTES!" I yelled, so everyone could hear me. And soon enough, the boat titled upwards slightly, and we made half of our big entrance, the Hogwarts people ooh-ing and ahh-ing.



I've been working on this for more then two weeks now and I'm so so so extremely sorry.

I'll try to update quickly, but you know, there's this thing called school that I have to go to. Then I do stuff after school like stage crew and Girl Scouts and baton etc.

So maybe I'll update. Message me or something if I don't, even though most of you guys are silent reader people.

-Tori Weasley <3

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