48: 3rd Person

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Guys, this is the last chapter. I decided to make it in third person, but if anyone doesn't like it, I'll re write it to make it in two separate POVs. Read the note to follow for more information! Enjoy this extremely long chapter! (Jamie's time period alone is about 3000 words... Oops?)

Chapter 48

  October 30th, 1993

Jamie Black, or as more people know her, Jamie Evans, stood on guard as the Durmstrang ship pulled up from the Black Lake at Hogwarts. While the her classmates ooh-ed and ahh-ed, Jamie stood to the side, wand and opposite arm raised at the ready, attempting to keep the shield protecting the ship's inhabitants up.

"Jamie! We're here! Let's go!" A male voice from behind her exclaimed. Jamie jumped in surprise, as she realized they had arrived. All of the Hogwarts alumni were in awe as the Durmstrang students and staff got off the ship. Karkaroff obviously was trying to show the one and only Viktor Krum off, and as Viktor had told Jamie many times, he hated it. Despised it. So Jamie, being the good friend (and slight attention hog sometimes) ran to the front, pushing through the older boys and almost flattened the younger boys (on accident of course) and finally got to her brother-like best friend.

"I'm here! You're welcome." Jamie said, whispering the last part. Viktor gave Jamie and thankful look and continued to follow their headmaster. Jamie caught up, and started walking backwards. The Hogwarts students had already filed inside, so the students of Durmstrang walked through the doors with ease. Jamie held her left hand up, while whistling loudly with her right hand gripping her wand. Her fellow classmates immediately got in formation, and held their staffs at the ready. "Good luck." Jamie whispered to Viktor, and walked to her place in the middle, next to her friend Christopher.

Their performance was better than anyone had ever expected. Jamie's gymnastics were amazing, and the students rhythm was in sync perfectly. Once Jamie had done her final flips down the center, between the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tables, she noticed a few of her friends sitting and watching with their jaws slack.

"Enjoy the show?" She whispered as she passed. Jamie's friends Hermione and Anna giggled as Harry and Ron ogled at the french beauties across the way. Jamie rolled her eyes and continued walking, only to hear Harry call her over, and Ron to call Viktor over. Again, Jamie rolled her eyes and held onto Viktor's arm as a means to not get lost in the sea of idiots.

The Durmstrang crowd finally stopped and sat at the end of the Slytherin table, and a very lucky (sarcastically speaking, of course) Viktor happened to sit next to the biggest jerk, in Jamie's opinion, at Hogwarts: Draco Malfoy. The entire meal was spent with Malfoy admiring the pair, because of Viktor's strength in quidditch, and because, quite frankly, Jamie was fairly beautiful.

"So, back in second year, I joined the Slytherin quidditch team, and this little bitch from Gryffindor, who, by the way, is a mudblood, tries to tell me that Gryffindor is better than Slytherin. I didn't even have to do anything! Her stupid blood-traitor of a friend tried to curse me with his broken wand! It...." Malfoy droned on and on, and in Jamie's opinon, he was quite stupid if he thought Viktor liked people and fans who tried that technique of being his friend. But, of course the loyalty and niceness that coursed through her veins came through and she stood up.

"I, uh, have to go to the ladies room." Jamie said, standing up and walking away. She glanced over to the Gryffindor table, and Hermione caught her eye. Moments later, both Hermione and Anna stood up and walked towards the door.

Jamie got to the door as they stood up though, so as she walked out, Jamie bumped into a taller, and stiffer person.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" Jamie said in shock. She looked up from her feet, and saw an extremely handsome male in front of her.

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